Page 9 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
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 students with special educational needs, in addition to three new co-terminal double degree programmes, namely the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Music, Bachelor
of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Visual Arts, and Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies and Bachelor of Education (Honours) in English Language. Together with the existing programmes, these new undergraduate programmes help broaden the University’s academic capacity and multidisciplinary development.
Our postgraduate student population also continued to grow, with an increasing number of international students enrolled in our taught and research postgraduate programmes. For the  rst time, two new PhD students were selected by the Research Grants Council (RGC) to receive the prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship to pursue studies at our University commencing in the 2017/18 academic year.
Leadership in Educational Research
On the research front, we came  rst again in terms of both the number
of funded projects and the awarded amount in the subject discipline
of Education in the RGC’s General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) funding exercises 2017/18. Out of the 31 awarded projects
in the subject discipline of Education under the GRF and the ECS, 11 went
to EdUHK, with total funding of over HK$7 million, representing more than one third of the overall funding amount. Equally impressive was the performance of our early-career academics in the subject disciplines of Humanities and Arts, and Psychology and Linguistics. It has been most encouraging to witness the growth of our research capacity in recent years, thanks in no small part to the good mix of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary projects and the good synergy among our senior and early-career academics.
Together with 33 newly funded projects worth HK$18.28 million in the latest GRF and ECS exercises, the University is undertaking a total of 178 research projects funded by the RGC and other funding bodies, with total funding of HK$111.8 million.
We place equal emphasis on the application and dissemination of the University-owned, research-based knowledge to bene t the school sector and the community. In this connection, the Knowledge Transfer (KT) Unit of the Research and Development
Of ce was upgraded to become
the KT Sub-of ce in late 2016
with a view to facilitating KT
by forging collaboration with
different sectors. In a similar
vein, a new KT domain was
introduced under the President’s
Award Scheme 2016/17 to
honour those with outstanding
performance in the area.
President’s Overview
生學習體驗、重視質素的文化、國際化策略,以及給 予本科生和研究式研究生各類優質的學習機會等。 這正是我們過去數年在不同範疇取得重大成果的最 佳證明。
年內,本校首次開辦三項由教資會資助的五年制教育 學士學位課程,計為:中國歷史教育(榮譽)學士課 程、科 學 教 育( 榮 譽 )學 士 課 程,以 及 地 理 教 育( 榮 譽)學士課程,以培育更多中學教師應對香港未來人 口變化帶來的教育需要。本校又按原定計劃,推出四 年制特殊教育(榮譽)文學士課程,以培育有志從事 特殊教育的人士,學成後可以在學校或社區層面服 務有特殊學習需要的學生。此外,還有三項新辦同期 結業的雙學位課程,包括:創意藝術與文化(榮譽) 文學士及音樂教育(榮譽)學士課程、創意藝術與文 化(榮譽)文學士及視覺藝術教育(榮譽)學士課程, 以及語文研究(榮譽)文學士及英文教育(榮譽)學 士課程。上述新增課程,顯示教大在提升學術實力與 拓展多元學科發展的努力。
修讀研究生課程的學生人數亦持續增長,包括:修 課式研究生課程及研究式研究生課程的國際學生人 數。研究資助局(研資局)更首次選拔了兩名本校學 生,授予享譽學界的香港博士研究生獎學金,於二零 一七至一八學年開始,修讀本校的哲學博士課程。
二零一七至一八年度教資會研資局撥款結果顯示, 本校在「優配研究金」及「傑出青年學者計劃」有關 教育學科的研究項目,不論獲資助項目數量或撥款 總額,均再次成為各校之冠。上述兩個計劃合共資助 三十一個有關教育學科的研究項目,本校佔其中十 一個;資助額逾七百萬港元,佔總額三分一以上。本 校年輕學者在人文學及藝術,以及心理及語言學兩 個學科的表現,同樣出色。本校近年研究實力不斷攀
升,實有賴跨學科與多學科之間 的融匯交流,以及資深學者與年 輕學者的協同互補。
教大在最新一輪「優配研究金」 及「 傑 出 青 年 學 者 計 劃 」中,合 共獲得一千八百二十八萬港元資 助,以進行三十三個新設研究項 目;連同從其他資助機構所得的 資 助,共 有 一 百 七 十 八 個 獲 資 助 的研究計劃,總額高逾一億一千 一百八十萬港元。
 香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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