Page 7 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 7
 its support for the UGC’s governance report, Governance in UGC-funded Higher Education Institutions in Hong Kong, published in 2016, and
most of its recommendations have already been adopted. Meanwhile,
an engagement exercise has been underway to gauge the views of, and solicit input from, both internal and external stakeholders to review the effectiveness of EdUHK’s current governance structure. At the end of the day, it is imperative that we strike a sensible balance between university autonomy and public accountability in a publicly funded university setting.
As the new Council Chairman, I look forward to meeting our staff, students, alumni and other stakeholders in the days ahead. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our new Council members, Dr Anissa Chan and Miss Lala Lai, while paying tribute to outgoing members Mrs Julie Ma and Mr Alvin Chu.
Thanks to the concerted efforts of the University Council and community, we have come a long way in the past decade, and I have every con dence that the next decade will be a golden era for EdUHK.
Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang, GBS, JP Chairman of the Council
December 2017
Chairman’s Foreword
教資會資助高等教育院校的管治 一 大學教育資助委 員會報告》,其中大部分建議已付諸實行。同時,校 方正收集大學內外各持份者的意見,檢視現行的管 治架構,以確保有效管治。最重要的是,本校作為一 所公帑資助大學,必須在大學自主與公眾問責之間, 取得適當平衡。
作為新任校董會主席,我期待在未來的日子裡,能 多與同事、學生、校友及其他持份者等會面交流。同 時,我在此歡迎新任校董會成員陳黃麗娟博士和黎 曉晴小姐,並向離任的馬李敏慧女士和朱鑒漢先生 表示敬意。
感謝校董會與社會各界的共同努力,讓本校在過去 十年間不斷前進發展,成就今天。我希望和大家一齊 㩗手共創教大下一個黃金十年。
馬時亨教授, GBS, JP 校董會主席 二零一七年十二月

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