Page 8 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
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President’s Overview
I am most pleased to present my overview for The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) in the fourth year of my tenure. This was indeed a monumental and fruitful year, the  rst complete year after EdUHK’s retitling. I would like to highlight some of the University’s major developments and achievements during the year, which would not have been possible without the concerted efforts and unswerving support of our staff, students, alumni, friends and stakeholders.
Quality Enhancement Culture Commended
Long-term planning is crucial for any university in realising its vision and mission. This is especially so for EdUHK, as a publicly funded university with a unique mission in teacher education and complementary disciplines. The  rst blueprint for EdUHK, the Strategic Plan 2016-2025, was promulgated during the year, following an extensive engagement and consultation exercise. Representing the collective wisdom of the University community, the Strategic Plan re ects our strong commitment to promoting innovative learning and teaching, nurturing competent and caring educators, strengthening education leadership, and fostering students’ whole-person development, with equal emphasis on applied research and knowledge transfer. This will form the basis of our strategic priorities and focus areas for the next decade in response to the rapidly changing landscape in education and beyond.
Equally, if not more important, is our ongoing commitment to quality enhancement, which is shared by both academic and non-academic staff across the board. I am pleased to report that our quality culture was recognised and commended by the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the University Grants Committee (UGC) in its second QAC Quality Audit Report on our University, released in June 2017. This is an external quality assurance process applicable to all eight UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong – a process through which we can re ect upon our strengths and areas for continuous enhancement. Particularly encouraging are the QAC’s recognition, af rmation and commendations of our Education-plus approach, student learning, quality culture, internationalisation strategies and high-quality learning opportunities for undergraduate and research postgraduate students, among other things. This is the best testimony to the great strides and remarkable progress the University has made on various fronts in the past few years.
New Programme Offerings and Dimensions
Three new UGC-funded,  ve-year Bachelor of Education programmes, namely the Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Chinese History, Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Science, and Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Geography, were launched during the year to groom more secondary school teachers in view of projected demographic changes in Hong Kong. Also implemented as planned were a new four-year Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Special Education programme to groom practitioners in school or community settings to cater for
我很高興向大家匯報我在任內第四年,本校的發展 概況。本校正名為大學至今剛好一年,期間邁進了重 要的發展里程,成果豐碩。這全賴教職員、學生、校 友、各界友好與持份者們同心同德,孜孜不倦,才能 於年內取得以下各項重要成果。
一所大學要實現其願景與使命,必須作長遠規劃, 教大作為公帑資助的大學,承擔教師教育及相關學 科的獨特使命,更尤為重要。年內,本校經廣泛諮詢 收集意見後,制定首份長遠規劃藍圖。《策略發展計 劃2016-2025》匯集了師生校友的睿智精思,擘劃重 要框架,以推展學與教的創新,培育出色及關懷社群 的教育工作者,提升教育先導地位,造就學生全人發 展,同時發展具實效的研究和知識轉移。這些正是 教大未來十年的工作重點,以回應急劇變化的教育 與社會環境。
本校另一項不容忽視的任務,就是不斷提升質素; 這正是所有教職員一致認同的目標。我很高興在此 匯報,我們重視質素的文化,獲大學教育資助委員 會(教資會)轄下的質素保證局(質保局)稱許,在其 二零一七年六月發表的《質素核證報告》中加以讚 揚。這項校外質素保證程序,應用於香港八所獲教 資會資助的大學,以協助各大學了解自身強項及持續 改進的領域。尤其令人鼓舞的是,質保局肯定、贊同 及讚揚本校「教育為本,超越教育」的發展路向、學
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