Page 11 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 11
 In the years ahead, we will continue to adhere to our vision of becoming a leading university in the Asia Paci c region and beyond, with a focus on teacher education, as well as educational research and innovation. We remain committed to our long-held Education-plus approach, which has guided us in our transformation as an education-focused university.
To cope with the long-term growth of the University and its corresponding increase in learning, teaching and research activities, the University is seeking government’s support for the construction of a new academic building on the Tai Po campus, in addition to the establishment of a town centre tailored for the professional development of in-service teachers. These capital projects are crucial to the University’s long-term development. While we have started the ball rolling, we do understand it may take
years before their actual completion given the elaborate and stringent scrutiny process. Nevertheless, I look forward to the  ourishing campus development in the coming years.
Professor Stephen Y. L. Cheung, BBS, JP Of cier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques President
December 2017
President’s Overview
士學位及其他學術資歷,倍感歡欣。目覩一眾畢業生 修業圓滿,滿臉喜色,更滿懷自信,迎接未來,開展 他們人生的新旅程,不啻是我們授業者最美好的回 報,這亦正是大學教育的本志。
在「教育為本,超越教育」的理念引領下,我們已成 功發展為一所以教育為重心的大學。展望未來,教大 將繼續朝著這個願景邁進,矢志成為亞太地區以至 全球,一所專注教師教育及教育研究與創新而穩站 前列的先導大學。
為應對本校未來的長遠發展,以及隨之而來的學與 教及研究需要的擴展,我們現正尋求政府支持,在 大埔校園內增建一座新教學大樓,並在市區增設分 校,為在職教師修讀專業進修課程提供交通方便和 適切的學習環境。這兩項工程對教大長遠發展極為 重要。相信大家都會明白,此等工程必須通過嚴格 的審核程序,非經多年難竟其功。然而,千里之行, 始於足下,我懇切期待,本校枝繁葉茂的燦爛前景。
張仁良教授, BBS, JP
Of cier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques 校長

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