Page 10 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
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Partnership for Positive Change
We are thankful for each donation, big or small. The University has continued to receive strong philanthropic support for its ongoing endeavours to address the educational and social needs of the community. With the generous donations from our donors, we kicked off and embarked on
an array of projects and initiatives to promote life and values education, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, sports education, teaching innovation, learning for special needs and social inclusion, among others. This has been made possible through our interdisciplinary expertise, pedagogical knowledge and extensive partnerships with local and overseas universities, local schools, social organisations and civil society.
Global Recognition and Extensive Partnerships
Global and regional rankings are by no means the be-all and end-all,
but they re ect recognition of our academic standing, strengths and impact. In this regard, I am pleased with the increasing recognition of our educational leadership in Asia and the world, as consistently evidenced in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by Subject in the past three consecutive years. In the QS ranking 2017, EdUHK ranked second in Asia and 13th in the world in Education.
During the year, we continued to foster new academic partnerships and collaborations in terms of joint programme offerings, research projects and exchange programmes with leading regional and global universities. As at the end of June 2017, EdUHK had formed partnerships with about 190 universities and other institutions on different continents, with our students leaving their footprints in over 20 overseas countries. More will be done to attract undergraduate and postgraduate students from our neighbouring regions, especially those from “One Belt, One Road” countries.
Preparing for the Future
On a more personal level, I feel honoured to be given the opportunity to serve EdUHK for another  ve-year term, effective 1 September 2018. I am deeply grateful for the trust the Council and the University community have placed in me, and I am keenly aware of the enormous responsibility that goes with the reappointment. I would like to take this opportunity to register my most sincere gratitude to all former and current Council of cers and members, staff, students, alumni, supporters and other stakeholders who have so kindly rendered me their unfailing support over the years.
As EdUHK President, I take great pleasure in sharing the pride and joy of our graduates each year. This exhilaration was particularly strong at the 22nd Congregation last year, when our doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s degrees and other academic awards were conferred under the new title of The Education University of Hong Kong. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing the happy faces of our graduates, who stand ready with self-con dence
and anticipation to embark on a new journey after the completion of their university studies. After all, this is what university education is all about.
同時,我校著重把大學知識和研究成果轉移及應用 在實際項目上,以回饋學界和香港社會。為此,研究 與發展事務處轄下的知識轉移小組,已於二零一六 年下旬升格為知識轉移辦公室,以期藉著與不同界 別的協作,推動知識轉移工作。與此同時,在二零一 六至一七年度「傑出表現校長獎項」類別中,亦新增 一項「知識轉移獎」,以表揚同事在知識轉移方面的 卓越表現。
夥伴關係 促進變革
我們感謝各方捐獻支持,讓教大能回應教育和社會 的需求。年內,有賴各界慷慨捐助,我們得以啟動多 項計劃,包括:推廣生命及價值教育、科學、科技、工 程和數學(STEM)、運動教育、創新教學、特殊學習 需要,以及社會融合計劃等。這些計劃能夠順利推 行,全仗本校同事的跨學科專業、教學法知識,以及 跟本地和海外大學、本地中、小、幼學校、社區組織 與公民社會之間的廣泛協作網絡。
國際認許 廣泛協作
一所大學的國際或地區排名,並非其唯一及最重要 的目標,不過它仍能反映到大學的學術領域、優勢與 影響力。為此,我對教大的教育學科,在亞洲以至全 球的先導地位日漸獲得認受,深感欣慰。我們連續三 年,在Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) 世界大學教育 學科排名中,均位踞前列。以二零一七年為例,本校 的教育學科名列亞洲第二、全球十三。
年內,我們持續與亞太地區以至全球的重點大學締 結及加強學術協作,共同開辦課程和開展研究計劃 與交流活動。截至二零一七年六月底,本校已和全球 約一百九十所大學與院校締結夥伴關係。本校學生 曾前往超過二十個國家作交流學習。同時我們亦會 致力吸引來自鄰近國家,尤其「一帶一路」沿線國家 的本科生和研究生入讀本校。
本人深感榮幸獲校董會及校內同仁信任,續任校長 一 職 ,為 期 五 年 , 於 二 零 一 八 年 九 月 一 日 生 效 。 不 勝 感激之餘,我亦深明此任重道遠。現借此機會,特向 多年來一直給予本人無限支持的,所有前任與現任 校 董 會 成 員、教 職 員、同 學、校 友、支 持 者 及 其 他 持 份者,敬致衷心謝忱。
作為教大校長,我樂見畢業生學業有成,實深以為 榮;尤其在第二十二屆學位頒授典禮中,本校能以香 港教育大學這個新名銜,向同學頒授學士、碩士、博
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