Page 6 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
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Chairman’s Foreword
It is my greatest pleasure to present my  rst review in my new capacity as Council Chairman of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK).
I am honoured to have been appointed earlier this year, and I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my predecessor, Dr YK Pang, for his exemplary leadership and invaluable contribution during his 15 years of service on the Council, which laid a solid foundation for us to build on.
Education has always been close to my heart, and I am deeply indebted to my teachers for their guidance and inspiration during my secondary school and university life. As the only publicly funded university in Hong Kong focusing on teacher education, EdUHK plays an important and distinct role in nurturing outstanding educators, passionate talents and future leaders for the community. I am con dent that focusing on its niche in education, EdUHK is set to become a hub of education excellence and research,
as well as a thought-leader and agenda-setter in education and related disciplines, locally, regionally and globally.
During the year under review, EdUHK witnessed many achievements and progress in learning and teaching, as well as in research and knowledge transfer, which are elaborated in the following chapters. Among them was the very positive Quality Audit Report, released by the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) under the University Grants Committee (UGC) in June this year. I was particularly pleased to note the QAC’s commendation of our quality assurance and enhancement culture, and of the quality of our educational programmes, among other things.
At the top of my agenda is the continuous advancement of EdUHK in academic development, internationalisation and fundraising, which will ultimately bene t our students, the school sector and the wider community. Of equal importance is effective university governance, which is central
to all the publicly funded universities. The University Council has pledged
這是我首次以香港教育大學校董會主席身份發表年 度回顧。對於今年年初的任命,我感到萬分榮幸,亦 在此衷心感謝前主席彭耀佳博士。過去十五年,校董 會在他的卓越領導下,為本校日後發展奠定穩固根 基,貢獻良多。
我一直心繫教育,因為中學與大學時期,我有幸得到 不少良師的指引和啟迪。教大是香港唯一一所專注 教師教育的公帑資助大學,培育優秀的教育工作者、 充滿熱忱的人才,以及未來社會的領袖,都發揮重大 的角色。憑著專注教育這優勢,我深信本校將不僅 成為本地以至區內教師教育及相關學科的卓越中心 和研究樞紐,甚至在全球教育界擔當倡導者和領導 者。
過去一年,教大在學與教、研究及知識轉移等範疇 中取得多項成果,詳情請參閱隨後章節的闡述。今年 六月,大學教育資助委員會(教資會)轄下的質素保 證局發布《質素核證報告》,對教大的整體表現十分 肯定。我尤感欣喜的是,無論在教大質素保證及提 升的文化,以及教育課程素質等,均備受讚許。
上任後的首要任務是繼續推動教大的學術發展、國 際化及籌款等不同層面的工作,以期造福莘莘學子、 學 界,以 至 社 會 大 眾,為 教 大 再 創 高 峰。此 外,大 學 管治亦同樣重要,這是所有公帑資助大學一起面對 的核心課題。校董會承諾支持教資會發布的《香港
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The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017

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