Page 43 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 43
Community Partnership and Engagement
   Gratitude to Donors 銘謝捐獻人士
A reception was hosted by The Education University of Hong Kong Foundation in March 2017 to express its appreciation and gratitude to donors. More than 300 guests attended the reception, including donors, education, community and business leaders, and government of cials. At the reception, scholarships were presented to students
with outstanding academic achievements, leadership qualities, service records or performance in non-academic areas. Nearly 800 scholarships amounting to about HK$21 million were awarded in 2016/17 – a record high in terms of the total scholarship amount.
A Caring and Green Organisation
For 12 consecutive years, the University has been named a Caring Organisation by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, in recognition of its sustained efforts to care for its employees and the community as a whole. During the year, people with disabilities were employed at various of ces,
EdUHK representatives receive the Friendly Employment Award presented by the Labour and Welfare Bureau in collaboration with the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee 教大代表接受由勞工及福利局 及康復諮詢委員會聯合頒授 的「友善聘用獎」
 二零一七年三月,香港教育大學基金舉辦感恩茶聚,出席人士逾三百名,包括: 捐 獻 人 士、教 育 界、社 區 及 商 界 領 袖,以 及 政 府 官 員 等。期 間,本 校 亦 頒 發 獎 學 金,表 揚 二 零 一 六 至 一 七 年 內,在 學 業 成 績、領 導 才 能、服 務 紀 錄 及 非 學 術 領域表現傑出之學生。本年度頒發的獎學金接近八百個,總額約二千一百萬港 元,金額為歷來之冠。
本校連續十二年獲香港社會服務聯會確認為關懷機 構,肯定教大關懷員工、關心社會之不懈努力。年內, 本校不同部門聘用殘疾人士,並重視員工發展,推行 有利平衡生活與工作,以及家庭友善等措施,包括: 校園內設置母乳餵哺室、引進五天侍產假,以及實 施彈性上班時間。為此,本校於二零一六至一七年 度,榮獲家庭議會認許為「家庭友善僱主」及頒 授「支持母乳餵哺獎」。

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