Page 45 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 45
As part of its commitment to environmental sustainability and a healthy of ce environment, the University signed and implemented charters and pledges in the areas of energy saving, waste management and air quality.
• IAQwi$e Certi cate – Class of Excellence
• Indoor Air Quality Certi cate (Excellent Class)
• Wastewi$e Certi cate – Class of Excellence
• Energy Saving Charter & 4Ts Charter
• Waste Check Charter
Among more than 6,000 entries, the University emerged as the only local university receiving the GREENPLUS Award 2016, conferred by China Light and Power. The University earned the bronze award in the category of Public Organisation, Utility & University.
Several barrier-free improvement works were carried out during the year, including the installation of two accessible lifts, two lifting platforms for lecture theatres, and the modi cation of a covered ramp.
本校現已簽署,並在校園實施,以下約章和承諾,於 節省能源、廢物處理與優化空氣質素方面,致力維 護可持續之環境,以及創建健康工作間。
• 清新室內空氣證書─卓越級證書
• 室內空氣質素檢定計劃證書(卓越級) • 減廢證書—卓越級別
• 節能約章及四T約章
• 「惜物•有計」約章
教大於二零一六年「綠倍動力」計劃,逾六千名參加 者 中 脫 穎 而 出,獲「公 營 機 構、公 用 事 業 及 大 學 」組 別銅獎,為唯一獲獎之本地大學。是項計劃由中華電 力有限公司舉辦。
年內,本校校園進行數項無障礙空間改善工程,包 括:裝置兩部客用暢通易達升降機、兩部演講廳垂 直升降台,以及改建有蓋行人斜道。
Community Partnership and Engagement
   Sharing good practices on waste reduction at “Waste Check Charter”’s seminar
                                                     Setting a new Guinness World Record
香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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