Page 44 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
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   and special emphasis was placed on staff development, work-life balance and family-friendly practices, including the setting up of a breastfeeding room, and the introduction of  ve-day paternity leave and  exible working hours. In this connection, the Family Council presented two awards to the University in 2016/17, namely “Family-Friendly Employer” and “Award for Breastfeeding Support”.
EdUHK students are groomed to be caring leaders through various student service teams and mass community projects, including the Action by Care programme. In the 2016/17 academic year, 571 students participated in 46 service team sessions, reaching out to more than 2,685 service recipients, including the elderly and the underprivileged. The number of student participants in these projects was double that of the previous year, with a corresponding 40 per cent increase in the number of service sessions.
Working in unison on 1 December 2016, more than 2,500 EdUHK staff and students set a new Guinness World Record by writing 2,044 letters containing positive messages and gratitude to Santa within 24 hours to promote love and peace. Guinness of cially deemed the collected letters valid and approved the University’s application for the new “Most Letters to Santa Collected in 24 hours” world record in June 2017.
本校銳意培育學生成為關愛領袖,組織學生服務隊 及舉辦大型社區計劃(如「傳仁‧喜動」計劃)。二零 一六至一七學年,共有五百七十一名學生參與四十 六次服務團隊活動,服務逾二千六百八十五名長者及 基層人士。學生參與人數更是去年兩倍,服務活動 次數亦按年增加四成。
二零一六年十二月一日,逾二千五百名本校教職員與 學生合力締造創舉,於二十四小時內,合共書寫逾二 千封充滿積極和感恩訊息之信件,寄給予聖誕老人, 宣揚愛與和平,並打破健力士世界紀錄。二零一七年 六月,其中二千零四十四封信獲健力士世界紀錄官方 確認,列入「二十四小時內匯集給聖誕老人最多信 件」之世界紀錄。
 42 / The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017
Primary students get a taste of teaching in a mock-up classroom during a visit to EdUHK 小學生在教大模擬教室一嘗當教師的滋味
 Coastal cleaning in Ma Shi Chau

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