Page 42 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
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With a donation pledged by the Trust, the University launched the  ve-
year project, whose aim is to foster
a culturally responsive and effective teaching environment to facilitate
the learning of Chinese by the EM kindergarten students. With the University’s multidisciplinary expertise in child development, curriculum and pedagogy, educational psychology, multicultural education, school leadership and language education, its investigators have contributed to the project through research-based evidence for advancing professional practices and building the capacity
of local kindergartens, as well as supporting parents.
C-for-Chinese@JC’s Educator Professional Development Programme
 2 at-jc.aspx
Rugby Education
The University fostered a long-term partnership with the Hong Kong Rugby Union in October 2016 to promote rugby education in local primary and secondary schools. A comprehensive teaching pack was developed to provide both pre-service and in-service PE teachers with the essential skills to teach the sport, in addition to several summer workshops and professional development programmes for more than 250 teachers. Commencing in
the 2017/18 academic year, touch rugby will be incorporated as part of the Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Physical Education) programme.
二零一六年十月,本校與香港欖球總會建立長期夥 伴關係,推動本地中、小學欖球教育。全面教學支援 配套現已推出,供在職和準教師學習基本欖球教授 技巧;多個暑期工作坊與專業發展課程亦曾開辦,逾 二百五十名教師參與。二零一七至一八學年開始,非 撞式欖球將會納入本校體育教育榮譽學士課程。
Donation ceremony of the Hong Kong Rugby Union
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