Page 40 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 40
 Primary students showcase their coding project
Coding the Future
The four-year “CoolThink@JC” programme1 is a joint project, created
and funded by the Trust and organised by EdUHK in partnership with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and City University of Hong Kong. Its goal is to equip upper primary students with basic coding capabilities and strengthen their computational thinking to develop the next generation of problem solvers with digital creativity.
Thanks to the generous donation pledged by the Trust, the EdUHK project team designed and conducted research-based computational thinking development activities during the year, in collaboration with MIT, for
about 4,300 primary four to six students. From November 2016 to April 2017, 36 teachers completed a 39-hour teacher development course
on coding pedagogy and computational thinking development delivered by the University, following  ve days of MIT training. Selected students’ coding projects under the programme were showcased at the International Conference on Computational Thinking Education, organised by the University in July 2017. The Conference attracted close to 400 pioneers
in computational thinking education from all over the world, including internationally recognised academics, frontline education practitioners and local professionals in the technology  eld.
為期四年之「賽馬會運算思維教育」計劃1,由馬會慈 善基金策劃及捐助,本校與美國麻省理工學院及香 港城市大學聯合推行。計劃旨在讓高小學生掌握基 礎編程技巧,加強其運算思維,以培育新一代運用數 碼創意作解難工具。
承蒙馬會慈善基金捐助,本校團隊得以與麻省理工 學院人員合作,於年內設計及進行多項以實證研究 為本的活動,包括發展運算思維學習教材,惠及約四 千三百名小四至小六學生。二零一六年十一月至二零 一七年四月,三十六名教師完成由麻省理工學院籌 辦的五天編程訓練,並參加由本校提供之三十九小 時教師培訓課程,研習編程教學法與運算思維發展。 二零一七年七月,本校舉辦之「運算思維教育國際會 議」上,更展示了參與計劃學生之優秀編程範本。近 四百名來自世界各地的運算思維教育先驅出席該會 議,包括:國際知名學者、前線教育人員及本地科技 界專業人士。
38 / The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017

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