Page 29 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 29
   Leadership in Educational Research 教育學科研究先導
Eleven out of
the 31 awarded projects in the subject discipline of Education under
the GRF and the ECS went to EdUHK, with total funding of
over HK$7 million, representing
more than one
third of the overall funding amount.
「優配研究金」及「傑出 青年學者計劃」合共資 助三十一個有關教育 學科之研究項目,本校 佔其中十一個,資助額 逾七百萬港元,為教育 學科研究獲批總資助 額三分一以上。
Newly Awarded
Research Projects in Education 新獲資助教育 研究項目
Impressive Performance in Emerging Disciplines 新進學科研究項目表現卓越
EdUHK’s young scholars excelled in the disciplines of Humanities and Arts, as well as Psychology and Linguistics, under the ECS. In Humanities and Arts, EdUHK had  ve successful projects, amounting to total funding of HK$1.17 million. It represents a success rate of 83
per cent, or 29 percentage points higher than the overall success rate of all publicly funded universities. The University also ranked third in terms of the awarded amount in the subject discipline.
Regarding the subject discipline of Psychology and Linguistics, EdUHK had two successful projects out of its 11 submissions. The total awarded amount of HK$0.87 million put EdUHK second among its peers and represented almost one third of the overall funding awarded in the discipline.
As at 30 June 2017, there were 178 ongoing and newly funded research projects at EdUHK, with total funding of over HK$111.8 million awarded by the RGC and other funding bodies*. These projects cover a wide range of subject disciplines, including education, humanities and arts, psychology and linguistics, social and behavioural sciences, and physical and health sciences. During the period, 42 externally funded projects were completed, spanning early childhood education, applied psychology, environmental studies, and creative arts and culture. In the same year, EdUHK academics produced 787 refereed journal articles, books or book chapters, 56 per cent of which were related to various sectors of education, including early childhood, primary, secondary, technical and special education.
The impressive performance of EdUHK’s researchers is strong testimony to the University’s robust research capacity in education and complementary disciplines, thanks to the good synergy between senior academics and early-career scholars specialising in different academic disciplines. As public intellectuals, EdUHK academic and teaching staff also contributed to public discourse through various forms of advocacy and in their capacities as chairpersons and members of government committees and think-tanks, as well as keynote speakers of public forums.
* Other funding bodies include the Central Policy Unit, the Food and Health Bureau, the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, the Innovation and Technology Commission, and the Environmental Protection Department.
本校年輕學者在人文學及藝術科、心理及語言學科兩方面有出色表現。人文學及藝術學科方面,本校獲 「傑出青年學者計劃」資助五個研究項目,總額為一百一十七萬港元,在眾大學中名列第三;而成功率 更高達百分之八十三,較所有資助大學整體成功率超逾二十九個百分點。
至於心理及語言學科研究項目方面,本校向「傑出青年學者計劃」遞交十一項申請,其中兩項研究獲撥 款八十七萬港元,佔該學科獲批金額近三分一,在眾校中名列第二。
 香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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