Page 28 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
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Research and Knowledge Transfer
The University extends knowledge frontiers through education and multidisciplinary research, emphasising its applicability and relevance. Newly created knowledge and scholarly outputs are disseminated and applied in the school and related sectors for education advancement and social betterment.
本校憑藉教育與多元學科研究,致力拓展知識新領域,並強調其相關實用性。透過發布及應用, 新創知識與學術研究成果惠及學界及社會各界,提升教育水平及促進社會福祉。
Ongoing and
Newly Funded
Robust Research Capacity 進行中及新獲資助 研究實力茁壯成長 研究項目
The University fared well in the latest Research Grants Council (RGC)’s
General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) funding exercises 2017/18, emerging rst in terms of both the number of funded projects and the awarded amount in the subject discipline of Education. A total of 33 EdUHK projects were awarded funding under the
GRF and ECS, amounting to HK$18.28 million.
Research Funding
二零一七至一八年度研究資助局(研資局)最新一輪「優配研究金」及 「傑出青年學者計劃」撥款結果中,本校表現理想,更於教育學科, 無論研究項目數量或撥款總額,成為各大學之冠。上述兩個 資助計劃中,本校總共有三十三個研究項目獲得撥款, 總資助額為一千八百二十八萬港元。
26 / The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017
Research Projects