Page 27 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 27
Learning and Teaching
 Two EdUHK-nominated candidates were also selected by the RGC for the  rst time to receive the prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship to pursue a Doctor of Philosophy programme at the University commencing in the 2017/18 academic year.
At EdUHK, postgraduate students are given ample opportunities for overseas exposure and engagement through academic collaboration, exchanges and dual degree programmes, among others. For example, International Outreach Study Programmes were organised for research postgraduate and Doctor of Education students to universities in the United States, France and the United Kingdom in May 2017. Organised scholarly activities under the programme included participation in academic workshops and seminars, as well as sharing of research  ndings with postgraduate students and researchers of the host universities.
Besides outbound activities, EdUHK has been diversifying its sources of international research students, resulting in an increase in the percentage of the newly admitted overseas students from seven per cent in 2015/16 to 14 per cent in 2016/17, with students from Bangladesh, France, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia, Taiwan and Uganda.
The University’s pursuit of internationalisation strategies, which was commended by the QAC, also included its extensive international exchange programmes, growth of international student body, measures to promote the integration of local and non-local students, and strong regional partnerships, among others.
學生比率,由二零一五至一六年度的百分之七,增至 二零一六至一七年度的百分之十四。他們來自的國家 或地區為:孟加拉、法國、意大利、韓國、馬來西亞、 墨西哥、巴基斯坦、俄羅斯、台灣及烏干達。
本校在國際化策略的推行,亦獲質保局稱許,包括: 廣泛國際交流計劃、增加國際學生人數、促進本地 與非本地學生融合之措施,以及建立密切之區域夥 伴關係等。
 Karim Shahid
Doctor of Philosophy student
Recipient of HKSAR’s Reaching Out Award 2016/17
二零一六至一七年香港 特區政府外展體驗獎 得獎者
                                                                                                                               International Postgraduate Roundtable and Research Forum cum Summer School 2017
In July 2017, more than 250 postgraduate students and scholars from 10 countries and regions attended EdUHK’s International Postgraduate Roundtable and Research Forum cum Summer School (IPRFSS), a signature event organised annually for and by postgraduate students for academic exchange and networking. More than 230 abstracts were submitted for presentation at the IPRFSS.
二零一七年七月,逾二百五十名來自十個國家的研究生與學 者聚首本校,參加「國際研究生學術會議暨暑期學校」。是項 年度學術盛事,既為研究生而設,亦由研究生籌辦,以作學術 交流及聯繫。會上,與會人士提交並演示了逾二百三十份論 文之撮要簡報。
香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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