Page 31 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 31
Research and Knowledge Transfer
研究與發展事務處屬下之知識轉移小組,已於二零 一六年下旬升格為知識轉移辦公室,發掘具知識轉 移價值之研究項目,配合相關研究專長與成果,為校 外持份者提供顧問服務、受託及合約項目、專業培訓 及專利授權等支援。截至二零一七年六月三十日,逾 二萬六千三百所學校、七萬五千七百名教師、一百四 十七萬二千二百名學生及二十五萬四千四百名其他 持份者,已受惠於本校不同類型之知識轉移項目、活 動及計劃,遍及教育與其他界別*。本校之學術部門 年內亦籌辦逾四百五十個會議及研討會,匯聚本地
   EdUHK’s “Plastic Resources Education” exhibition booth at InnoCarnival 2016
 Guided tour of the University’s on-campus ecosystem facility to demonstrate environmental sustainability applications
 Making an Impact
The Knowledge Transfer (KT) Unit
of the Research and Development
Of ce was upgraded to the KT
Sub-of ce in late 2016 to identify
research projects with KT impacts
and to match the University’s
research expertise and outputs
with external stakeholders in the
form of consultancy, commissioned
and contract projects, professional
development and patented
products, among others. As at 30
June 2017, over 26,300 schools,
75,700 teachers, 1,472,200
students and 254,400 other stakeholders had bene ted from a wide array of the University’s KT projects, activities, initiatives and events, covering both education and other  elds*. The University’s academic units organised over 450 conferences and seminars throughout the year, allowing local
and overseas scholars, policymakers, practitioners and stakeholders to exchange views and generate ideas on education and related issues. To share knowledge and research outputs on the internet, the University’s online Research Repository provides bibliographic records of more than 21,300 research outputs which can be accessed by students, teachers and academics, locally and globally. During the year, over 116,700 such visits were recorded.
* The total number of bene ciaries was calculated according to the number of activities involved. Some bene ciaries and schools may have been involved in more than one activity.
與海外學者、政策制訂者、實務人員及持份者,就教 育及相關課題交流意見、啟發新知。本校亦設有網上 研究資料庫,分享知識與研究成果。資料庫內藏有逾 二萬一千三百個學術文章的書目紀錄。本地及全球 學生、教師與學者均可進入資料庫閱覽,年內訪客逾 十一萬六千七百人次。
* 總受惠人數為參與各項活動人數之總和,部分受惠者或學 校可能參與多於一項活動。
香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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