Page 26 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 26
  Postgraduate Education 研究生課程
  Postgraduate students visiting a university in the United States as part of the International Outreach Study Programme 研究生到訪美國一所大學參與國際外展學習計劃
Attesting to the University’s unique strengths in teacher education and its ever-growing capacity in educational and related research, about 500 students were attracted to our signature postgraduate programmes, including the Master of Education, Master of Teaching, Master of Arts
in Teaching Chinese as an International Language (MATCIL), Master of Arts in Chinese Studies (Language Education), and Master of Science in Educational Speech-language Pathology and Learning Disabilities.
In recognition of EdUHK’s track record in Research Grants Council (RGC) funding schemes and outcomes in the Research Assessment Exercise, 67 research postgraduate places were allocated by the UGC in 2016/17, nearly a six-fold increase from 10 in 2009/10, when the research postgraduate programmes were  rst launched.
本校在教師教育方面向具特定優勢,加以教育與相 關學科不斷提升之研究實力,年內已吸引約五百名學 生入讀本校卓著之修課式研究生課程,包括:教育 碩士課程、教學碩士課程、國際漢語教學文學碩士課 程、中文研究文學碩士(語文教育)課程,以及教育 言語及語言病理學暨學習障礙理學碩士課程。
鑑於本校過往獲研究資助局(研資局)撥款之項目, 以及經研究評審後之結果,表現優異,教資會於二 零一六至一七年度提供本校六十七個研究式研究生 學額,較二零零九至一零年度首獲僅有十個學額,增 幅幾近六倍。
兩名由本校提名之學生蒙研資局選拔,榮獲享譽學 界之香港博士研究生獎學金,於二零一七至一八學 年開始,修讀本校哲學博士課程。  
修讀本校研究生課程之學生參與海外學習之機會眾 多,如:學術協作、交流,以及修讀雙學位課程等。以 「國際外展學習計劃」為例,修讀研究式研究生課 程和教育博士課程之學生,於二零一七年五月,獲安 排前往美國、法國及英國等地,參與不同學術活動, 包括:學術工作坊、研討會,以及與當地大學研究生 和研究員分享研究成果等。
本地學生遠赴海外學習以外,本校亦吸納海外學生 修讀本校研究式研究生課程。國際學生佔新錄取的
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The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017
Students of the Master
of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education programmes gain international study experience in the United States 哲學碩士、哲學博士及教 育博士學位課程學生遠赴 美國汲取國際學習經驗

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