Page 25 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 25
Learning and Teaching
    Training Teachers from Kazakhstan and Macau 培訓來自哈薩克與澳門的教師
In December 2016, a week-long programme on language training was organised for a delegation of 58 secondary school teachers from Kazakhstan. Training courses, which included class observations in local schools, were provided to these teachers majoring in physics, chemistry, biology or information technology.
In collaboration with Macau’s Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, the University organised continuing professional development courses for local teachers during the year on various topics, including catering for diverse learning needs.
二零一六年十二月,來自哈薩克五十八名任教物理學、化學、 生物學及資訊科技之中學教師,接受本校為期一周的語文培 訓課程,期間並走訪本地學校觀課。
年內,本校與澳門教育暨青年局合作,為當地教師提供持續 專業進修課程,研習多個教育課題,包括:照顧多元學習需 要等。
  Pioneering innovation in Learning and Teaching 學與教創新先鋒
 EdUHK fared well in a highly competitive funding exercise conducted by the UGC for teaching- and learning-related projects. In the 2016- 19 triennium, EdUHK will lead four projects on the strategic theme “Enhancement of Student Learning Experience”. In addition, EdUHK will participate in seven other projects led by sister universities on the strategic themes “Innovation”, “Enhancement of Student Learning Experience” and “Language Enhancement”.
Eleven EdUHK projects were among 38 UGC-funded proposals screened from the 89 proposals submitted by all eight UGC-funded universities. For the leading projects, the results represent an increase in the success rate from 29 to 33 per cent compared with the previous triennium exercise. For partnership projects, the success rate went up from 43 to 54 per cent.
在申請教資會撥款之激烈競爭中,本校於教與學 資助計劃之表現理想。二零一六至一九年度三年 期內,教大將領導四個有關「提升學生學習經驗」 主題策略的項目;同時亦會參與由其他公帑資助 大學主導的「創新」、「提升學生學習經驗」及「提 升語文能力」等三個主題策略之七個項目。
教資會年內收到全港八所由該會資助之大學的八 十九個撥款項目申請,篩選出三十八個項目予以資 助;本校十一個項目正位列其中。教大領導進行之 項目獲取撥款之成功率較往年高,由百分之二十九 增至百分之三十三;而與夥伴合作之項目,成功率 亦由百分之四十三增至百分之五十四。
 Salute to Teaching Excellence
In the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence 2016/17 Scheme, out of 32 recipients in the areas of Arts Education Key Learning, Science Education Key Learning, and Guidance and Discipline, 13 were graduates of EdUHK or the former Colleges of Education, with eight receiving awards and  ve getting certi cates of merit. Since the Scheme’s inception, 615 out of 840 (approximately 73 per cent) awards or certi cates have been presented to alumni of EdUHK or the former Colleges of Education.
二零一六至一七年度行政長官卓越教學獎,於「藝術 教 育 學 習 領 域 」、「 科 學 教 育 學 習 領 域 」 及 「 訓 育 及 輔導」三個重要教育領域中,共有三十二名得獎者, 其中十三名為本校校友,包括:八名獲卓越教學獎, 五名獲嘉許狀。該獎自成立以來,共頒發八百四十個 獎 項,其 中 六 百 一 十 五 個( 佔 總 數 約 百 分 之 七 十 三 ) 乃頒予香港教育大學或其前身師範學院的畢業生。
香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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