Page 24 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 24
   Professional Development Programmes 專業進修課程
In support of lifelong learning for local educators, the University offers professional development programmes (PDPs) specially designed for school leaders and serving teachers to enhance their professional skills and knowledge in speci c domains. The reporting year saw a 19 per cent surge in enrolment in the University’s PDPs when compared to 2015/16, as well as new PDPs in the areas of school improvement and leadership, computational thinking development, Hong Kong society, and integrating self-directed learning in classroom pedagogy, among others.
Similar professional training programmes, including short-term courses
in speci c areas, were also well sought after by educators and related professionals in the region. Seven such programmes were organised during the year for more than 510 teachers from the Greater China Region and beyond, covering the topics of inclusive education, educational management and catering for diverse learning needs.
  Professional Development Programme for Middle Leaders in Schools 教師專業進修課程(學校中層領導)
 為支援本地教育工作者終身學習,本校特為學校領 導人員及在職教師提供各項專門設計之專業進修課 程,以提升其專業技能與知識。修讀在職教師專業 進修課程之學生人數,與二零一五至一六年度相比 增加了百分之十九。此外,本校亦新增課程研習範 疇,包 括:學 校 改 進 與 領 導、運 算 思 維 發 展、香 港 社 會,以及「自主學習」課堂教學模式等多個課題。
相類之專業進修課程,包括多個特定領域的短期課 程,亦開放予區內的教育工作者與相關專業人士,備 受歡迎。年內共舉辦七個此類課程,吸引逾五百一十 名來自大中華地區及其他亞洲國家之教育工作者前 來修讀;課題包括:融合教育、教育管理,以及照顧 多元學習需要等。
 Certi cate in Professional Development Programme on Hong Kong Society
 Summer School for Physical Education Teachers 2017 in collaboration with FIFA 與國際足協合辦「體育教師暑期學校二零 一七」
22 / The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017

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