Page 23 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 23
Learning and Teaching
  Internship at the Hong Kong Trade and Development Council’s Jakarta of ce
We continued our efforts throughout the year to partner with the local business sector, overseas universities and international organisations to secure internship places. In the local business sector, 37 corporations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) provided summer placements
for EdUHK students. Our students also left their footprints in 23 overseas countries, spanning Africa, Europe, Asia and South America, representing
a year-on-year increase of 25 per cent in the number of overseas countries. These overseas internship places provided our students with opportunities to gain exposure to the mass media, NGOs and businesses, among others.
本校於二零一六年九月首推「思•定•行」大學生活指 導試驗計劃,輔助一年級本科生訂立個人發展大計, 配合其目標、興趣、價值觀與強弱項作規劃。年內, 逾四百八十名學生出席指導面談,由學生發展導師 從旁協助,提供意見;絕大部分學生亦已訂立個人發 展計劃。是項試驗計劃將於二零一七至一八年度推 廣至所有一年級本科生。
本校繼續與本地商界、海外大學及國際組織等夥伴 合作,為學生尋覓實習機會。是年,本地共有三十七 家企業及非政府機構提供暑期實習名額。此外,學 生亦參與不少海外實習活動,足跡遍及非洲、歐洲、 亞洲與南美洲等二十三個國家,國家數目較前一年增 加四分一。這些海外實習崗位分布於不同類型機構, 如大眾傳媒、非政府機構與商務企業等。
                                                                                  Niki Ho Wai-yin
Year 4 student of Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education) 幼兒教育榮譽學士四年級 學生
Recipient of Simon K. Y. Lee Foundation Scholarship for Early Childhood Education
                                         Tsang Lok-yan 曾樂欣
Year 3 student of Bachelor of Music
in Education (Honours) (Contemporary Music and Performance Pedagogy) 音樂教育榮譽學士(當代音樂及演奏教 育學)三年級學生
A winner of Tennessee Valley Music Festival - Young Composers’ Forum 2017 in the United States 美國田納西谷音樂節青年作曲家二零一七年會得獎者

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