Page 15 - Leadership Basics Educative Leadership
P. 15
Conversation 2
Everyone at some time or another has had the electrifying experience of eros. Eros is that
invigoration, stimulation and sense of aliveness that occurs when understanding comes to you in a
rush. Romantics talk of eros in terms of two strangers who spy each other across a crowded room
and instantly understand that they are attracted to each other. Eros does not have to be
romantic; it can be what happens when, after hours of struggling unsuccessfully with an academic
text, understanding comes to you like a jolt of lightning. Eros can also result in that wonderful
energising that is felt when you suddenly understand how to finally link with a difficult student
who has alluded you all term, or how to make a real difference in motivating a class of students or
a group of kids. These epiphanies seem to make teaching worthwhile. There is, however, an
important message in this discussion for educative leaders regarding the potency and energy that
staff experience when they learn.
With your colleagues discuss ‘eros’ moments in your work or the work of teachers you know. Talk
about when insight regarding how to ‘make a difference’ in learning with a student or group of
students came to you or someone else. How did you feel?
As educative leaders can you capitalise on eros moments? If you get stuck, think about teamwork,
celebrating success and teacher rewards.