Page 10 - Leadership Basics Educative Leadership
P. 10

In this Leadership Basics, we discuss various practical strategies
                                 through which mid level leaders can develop educative
                                 leadership skills.
                                 We suggest that improved leadership will result when
                                 individuals learn to be educative leaders.  In this reading you
                                 will be asked to reflect upon and discuss strategies for
                                 enhancing your leadership.
                                 Throughout this reading there are five shaded conversation
                                 boxes that invite you to discuss ideas with your colleagues.

               [Note:  Be warned, if you are reading about educative leadership on the internet because this term
               can have another connotation.  For some authors educative leadership is solely concerned with a
               ‘Critical Theory’ founded in ethical or moral leadership in schools.  For example, Duignan &
               McPherson (1993) say that, "A key point made by the educative leadership research is that educative
               leaders have a moral responsibility to play a proactive role in helping communities make sense of
               changes in ways that help reform social, and political relationships"  (p.12)]

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