Page 11 - Leadership Basics Educative Leadership
P. 11

Characteristics of Educative Leaders

              Educative leaders:
                  Develop and nurture a climate that promotes inquiry.

                  Value problem-solving and welcome politely given, constructive criticism.
                  Ensure that every staff member has the opportunity to participate in the learning process of
                    innovation, change and staff development.

              With these characteristics, an effective educative leader can be recognized by the following criteria
              (Macpherson & Vann, 1996):

              1.    Their ability to develop and maintain within their school an effective climate of inquiry or
                    problem solving.

              2.    Their respect and tolerance for different points of view and their acceptance of criticism as a key
                    ingredient in the growth of knowledge within the school.

              3.    Their ability to adapt to challenges and changes in policy or practices through participative
                    feedback and reflection.
              4.    Their concern that people are free to fully participate in this process of learning and growth.
              5.    Their commitment to a holistic belief that their decisions can be defended on the basis of their
                    contribution to the benefits of long term learning within the school.

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