Page 17 - Leadership Basics 8
P. 17

    Thief 7: Poor Communication
                    Think about how you communicate.

                      Decide which medium is most suitable.
                      Match communication to task complexity.

                      Do not ‘over‐communicate’.
                      Ensure lines of communication are open.
                      Use understandable language.

                  Thief 8: Perfectionism
                    A Perfectionist is someone who is never satisfied with how well they complete a task. Try the
                    following questionnaire to think about whether you are a perfectionist.
                    Circle the number which best describes you (1: This does not describe me; 2: It describes me at
                    times; 3: This describes me perfectly):

                 Items                                 Scale   Items                                 Scale
                 1.   If I want a job done properly I must     7.   I  often  get  ‘stuck’  on  small  details
                     do it myself.                   1  2  3       when working on a task.         1  2  3
                 2.   I  set  myself  very  high  expectations   1  2  3   8.   I  am  afraid  of  making  a  mistake  –
                     and never give up until I reach them.         I don’t like it and neither do others.    1  2  3
                 3.   I usually do more than three drafts      9.   My employees say that I am always
                     of a letter.                    1  2  3       hard to please – I want it done per‐  1  2  3
                 4.                                                fectly.
                     I will extend my deadlines if I am   1  2  3
                     not satisfied with the job: I do this     10.   I don’t like to ask others for help.    1  2  3
                     often.                                    11.  I don’t delegate too much because I
                 5.   I  am  always  correcting  others  at   1  2  3   still spend too much time supervis‐  1  2  3
                     work and at home.                             ing the work.
                 6.   When  I  reread  work  I  have  done  I   12.  If  I  don’t  believe  I  can  do  a  really   1  2  3
                     am rarely satisfied with it.    1  2  3       good job, I don’t attempt it.

                Total  your  score  and  place  it  in  the  box.  If  your  score  is  over  24  you  may  be  too  much  of  a   Total
                perfectionist.  In other words, you are ‘hung up’ on getting everything exactly right all the time.
                Few  tasks  are  ever  exactly  as  you  would  like.   You  must  learn  to  accept  this  or  you  may  be
                wasting too much of your time.

                    To control your perfectionism:
                      Prioritize your work.
                      Do not spend time on low‐priority tasks.

                      Keep your eye on the ‘big picture’.
                      Do not be distracted by trivia.

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