Page 16 - Leadership Basics 5
P. 16
Media‐space communications?
A strategic approach to school communications in the 21st Century must incorporate appropriate
media‐space technology. In the Knowledge‐age, a school leader’s communications must include
strategic use of ICT or computer‐based communications. There is a technology push for highly
interactive computer‐based communication tools that can effectively break the boundaries that iso‐
late students in classrooms and that isolate schools. This is known as media‐space communications
(In ESF, this is known as CLC.).
Some classrooms can be like islands, or egg‐cartons, isolated from each other and the world beyond
their boundaries. Students enter an enclosed space and for forty to ninety minutes, all interaction is
confined to the individuals contained within the classroom walls. More often than not, schools as a
whole are also isolated from other schools and from their communities. External communications,
for example, can be limited to weekly newsletters, student reports and once a term parent‐teacher
interviews. Media‐space is the term given to the wider world that can be interacted with through
Information Communication Technology (ICT) media. It opens up the classroom, changing it from a
physically bounded space to a global space.
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