Page 8 - Leadership Basics 4
P. 8

Tactic            What it can include                                   General Effectiveness
                                                                                 in school leadership

                           Giving direct orders, demands, threats, intimidation, and   Low ‐ but can be  effective in
         Pressure          even coercion.  This is about applying force, or power to   ‘sworn command’ organisations
                           get compliance.                                       such as the military.

                                                                                 Low ‐ in ‘democratic’ schools, can
         Assertiveness     Repeatedly  making  requests,  ‘pushing’  for  compliance,    be seen as bullying or
                           unwillingness to shift from position.
                                                                                 harassing behaviour.
                                                                                 Moderate ‐ a request for
                           Persuading  others  that  the  request  is  something  that
         Legitimating      they   should   comply   with   given   the   context,    compliance may be a
                           legislation, or their own ‘best’ interests.           requirement under legislation or
                                                                                 from Central Office that staff will

                           Seeking  the  help  of  others  as  a  means  of  persuading   Moderate – may work well in
         Coalition         them to comply with a request, or, using the support of   collaborative schools and  where
                           others as a reason for compliance.                    there is genuine

                           The  promise  of  rewards  or  other  tangible  benefits  for    Low ‐ anyway most mid‐level
         Exchange          compliance,  or  a  reminder  of  the  need  to  return  a   leaders have few ‘rewards’ at their
                           ‘favour’.                                             disposal.

         Upward            Seek the approval / acceptance and support of those in   Moderate ‐ depends on the
         Appeals           higher positions prior to seeking compliance – using this   respect given to senior leaders.
                           support to enhance compliance.

                           Try to get others in a good mood and to be receptive
         Ingratiating      praising,   complementing,   admiring,   appealing   to    Low ‐ unless it is meaningful and
                           superior skills, etc. (The Chinese call this ‘shoe‐shining’.)   trust is strong.

                           Use  logical  and  rational  arguments  including  evidence
         Rational          and  data  to  persuade  others  of  the  viability  of  the    High – depending on evidence.
                           request, and the importance of compliance.

         Personal          Seek  a  ‘special’  or  personal  favour,  an  appeal  for  help   High – depending on the leaders
         Appeals           and support, using networks.                          ‘bank of credits’.

         Inspirational     Making an emotional request for compliance.  Develop   High – depending on interpersonal
         Appeals           enthusiasm by appealing to others values and ideals or   skills of leader.
                           their sense of self (confidence, ego, etc).

                                                                                 High – in most instances but may
         Consultation      Seek  other’s  compliance  through  their  involvement  in   be low if the consultation is
                           decision making, enabling ownership of the request.

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