Page 9 - Leadership Basics 4
P. 9

A Model for Understanding Influencing Behaviour

              Influencing behaviour can also be understood in terms of three dimensions.

                                                                        Ethical dimension ‐ When people work
                                                                        together, they often have to act jointly,
                                                                        even though they would make differing
                                                                        choices if they acted independently. This
                                                                        between personal perspectives leads peo‐
                                                                        ple to try to influence each other. In any
                                                                        given culture, some influence tactics are
                                                                        nearly‐niversally regarded as ethical, and
                                                                        some unethical.  What constitutes ethical
          Workplace Politics, the political                             influencing behaviour in schools?
          dimension– Influencing can
          sometimes be looked at as the
          ability to 'finesse', almost sleight
          of hand, to manipulate others to
          achieve an outcome. The other
          person isn't forced into seeing
          your view of the world, but is
          persuaded, often unconsciously,
          or even ‘tricked’ into under‐
          standing and accepting it
          through the application of
          various workplace political

                        Emotional dimension ‐ A leader’s role in influencing others can
                        be an emotional one—to articulate a message that resonates
                        with their followers’ emotional reality, with their sense of
                        purpose— and so to move people in a positive direction.
                        Emotional influence can be strong, but also unfortunately it can
                        be used for ill‐conceived (or at least undemocratic) purposes.
                        While one of the most powerful emotions that influences our
                        personal lives is ‘love’, one of the most powerful emotions in
                        influencing teachers at school is the avoidance of humiliation.
                        No one wants to embarrass themselves if they can help it.
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