Page 11 - Leadership Basics 4
P. 11

The freedom to see and hear what is here...

              When we limit what people know by withholding or by delaying dissemination of information,
              especially for our own benefit. Even when the motive is to make the information more palat‐
              able to its recipients, it can still be unethical.
              A teacher is offered a promotional position at another international school, but it would
              require moving 500 kms away.  Six months after turning down this job offer, the teacher is told
              that their current contract will not be renewed.  The leader knew all along that this
              department would be cut, but they didn't want to say anything until a "more appropriate"

                                       The freedom to feel what one feels, instead of what one ought

                                              When we try to control another's feelings it can be unethical, even if we feel that
                                              we are helping the person.  Shaming others for feeling what they feel, or
                                              humiliating them — is a common way that this freedom is denied.  Phrases such
                                              as "Please try to remain professional about this," or “Don’t take this so personally,
                                              you cannot help your students if you show your emotions”, or "Relax, students
                                              can tell when you are stressed and believe me they will take advantage of it" are
                                              indicators of these attempts. Do you agree with this?

                                                         The freedom to say what one feels and thinks...

                                                                                  When we limit what people can discuss,
                                                                                  whether by policy, direction or tacit un‐
                                                                                  derstanding, it can be unethical.
                                                                                  Sometimes these limits even apply to
                                                                                  conversations among those who already
        The freedom to ask for what                                               possess the
        one wants, instead of al‐                                                 information. Example: The leader an‐
                                                                                  nounces to their team that the deadline
        ways waiting for permission                                               must be met, and that “we aren't
                                                                                  discussing deadline
        Constraining what people can say and                                      adjustment, that is NOT on the table, just
        what they can ask for is another form of                                  how to meet it”. Some
        influencing behaviour that can be                                         deadlines can't change, but this tactic is
        unethical.   Constraining how others can                                  common even for deadlines that can
        make requests, in what forum, to whom                                     change. Restricting the discussion for
        or how often, putting in place barriers                                   convenience could keep the team from
        and structures to prevent people from                                     finding a solution that's even better than
        raising issues or seeking assistance.                                     meeting the deadline.
        ‘Killing the messenger’ is also an exam‐
        ple of how this freedom can be denied
        This type of unethical behaviour may be
        proliferated and enforced through
        organizational hierarchies.  “No you
        cannot see the principal about your
        timetable, the timetable is done by your
        Head of Department and endorsed by           The freedom to take risks,
        the Vice Principal. If you have any          instead of choosing to be
        complaints or issues about your teaching     "secure" and
        load you need to take it up with the HOD,
        otherwise there will be chaos”.  Or “This     not rocking the boat
        allocation of students to classes is done    School leaders may try their hardest
        using the SAMS database system, you          to deter teachers from taking risks on
        cannot request that a student be moved       their own behalf.  They may
        out of your class now, it is too late, the   impose policies, protocols and ‘tacit’
        meeting for doing that was held three        understandings that prevent
        weeks ago, it is not my fault that you       teachers from ‘rocking the boat’.
        were away on camp”.                          This may seem like to contradict the
                                                     notion of leader as change agents,
                                                     but the key is the change they want
                                                     is ‘their change’ not the uncontrolled
                                                     ideas or innovations of their staff.

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