Page 20 - Leadership Basics 4
P. 20

Influencing Strategies: Scoring Chart (Stott and Walker, 1992)

               Please enter your scores for each statement on the grid below.

                Assertive     Friendliness  Reasoning   Coalition    Sanctions    Bargaining     Referral

                2     □    1       □       3     □      4     □      5     □      6     □       7     □
                8     □    9       □       10    □      11    □      12    □      13    □       14    □
                15    □    16      □       17    □      18    □      19    □      20    □       21    □
                22    □    23      □       24    □      25    □      26    □      27    □       28    □

                32    □    30      □       31    □      29    □      34    □      33    □       35    □
                36    □    38      □       39    □      40    □      42    □      41    □       37    □

                      □             □           □            □            □              □            □

               Show your scores by filling in the bar chart below. Shade in the area below our lines. This will give
               you a picture of your preferred strategies in relation to others.


                                                   Reasoning   Coalition   Sanctions   Bargaining

                      40       Assertiveness   Friendliness                                  Upward Referral




   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22