Page 28 - Leadership Basics 10
P. 28

Checklist One ‐ Improving Meetings

         Checklist One gives you a checklist of the action points listed throughout the booklet. The conduct of meetings is
         considered  in  three  phases ‐  before,  during  and  after ‐  all  equally  important  if  you  are  going  to  make  them
         successful.  Before you conduct your next meeting, however simple it is, think about its improvement in advance by
         completing Activity Two, Preparing for Your Next Meeting. By doing this you will ensure it is highly focused and that
         your agenda items have been appropriately prioritised.

                  BEFORE THE MEETING

                  1.   Decide if a meeting is really necessary.                                     ½
                  2.   Write down the purpose.                                                      ½

                  3.   List the intended outcomes.                                                  ½

                  4.   Put essential items on the agenda.                                           ½
                  5.   Arrange the items in priority order and logical sequence.                    ½

                  6.   Allocate time to each item.                                                  ½

                  7.   Get all relevant information to hand.                                        ½
                  8.   Send relevant preparatory documents to members.                              ½

                  THE MEETING

                  9.   Tell participants what it is about ‐ simply.                                 ½

                  10.  Invite specific contributions.                                               ½
                  11.  Keep the discussion on line.                                                 ½

                  12.  Give regular summaries.                                                      ½

                  13.  Stick to the time for each item.                                             ½
                  14.  At the end of each item, summarise decisions and actions                     ½

                  15.  At end of meeting, summarise main points.                                    ½

                  16.  Identify individuals, the actions and time scales.                           ½
                  17.  State purpose of next meeting and when it will be.                           ½

                  AFTER THE MEETING

                  18.  Let others know what happened.                                               ½
                  19.  Highlight decisions made and actions to be taken.                            ½

                  20.  Monitor agreed actions.                                                      ½

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