Page 3 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 3


                           5     Introduction
                           7     What you can do as a Sponsor
                           8     Sponsorship Programme
                           10    Beliefs about Learning
                           11    What is a Sponsor?
                                         Sponsor as Peer Mentor                    - 12
                                         Sponsor as Principal Coach                - 14
                                         Sponsor as Professional Counsel           - 18
                                         Three Interrelated Roles of blue skies Sponsor   - 20
                                         —  A Summary

                           22    Sponsor’s Ethics, Expectations, Roles, Qualities & Skills
                                         Code of Ethics                            - 23
                                         Expectations                              - 24
                                         Roles                                     - 25
                                         Qualities                                 - 26
                                         Skills                                    - 27
                                         Roles of Head Sponsors                    - 28
                           30    Learning Square Meetings
                           32    Sponsor Involvement in Whole Group Meetings

                           33    Sponsor and Shadow Learning
                           36    Special Learning Events
                           37    Certificate of Participation
                           38    Formal Award
                           39    Quality Assurance
                           40    Giving and Receiving Feedback
                           48    Roles and Responsibilities

                           50    Appendices
                                         I.  Checking for the Components of        - 50
                                            Good Coaching Relationship
                                         II.  Coaching Style Preference Self Assessment   - 52
                                         III.  Coaching Style Preference Self Assessment   - 54
                                            Scoring and Coaching Style Taxonomy

                           56    Sources used in writing this booklet
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