Page 10 - Mini-Module 6
P. 10

School Leaders, Bullying
                                   and Harsh Discipline

                            Some principals (and parents) believe that the only way to ‘combat’
                            bullying  is  to  increase  discipline.   This  is  based  on  the
                            behaviouralists view that if bullies are punished harshly enough,
                            then they will learn to avoid the behaviour that led to the negative
                            consequence.  This belief has led to policies such as ‘zero tolerance
                            to bullying’ which can be found in some schools.  Unfortunately, if it
                            was this simple, then schools would have easily stamped out
                            bullying years ago, harsher discipline is not in itself effective,

                            ●    discipline only works on behaviour which can be readily
                                 determined and where there are clearly established rules, but
                                 most acts of bullying are very difficult to assess.  Discipline
                                 can't stop insults or intimidation, when a girl says to another
                                 that she no longer wants to play with her, is that a punishable
                                 offence?  Children often struggle with name-calling, with being
                                 picked upon, and with exclusion from their peer group.

                            ●    the differences between bullying and other behaviours can be
                                 unclear and contextual.  The difference between bullying and
                                 ‘normal’ children social learning through interaction, such as,
                                 bullying and ‘boys rough play’.

                            ●    bullying is about intimidating and inflicting suffering on others.
                                 Harsher discipline may simply be entrenching a culture of
                                 bullying.  Small violence can also lead to big violence.  An
                                  adolescent suspended from school for bullying may trash or
                                 vandalise the school or hurt other students after school.

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