Page 6 - Mini-Module 6
P. 6


                          To help Beginning Principal’s to prevent bullying in their schools.


                          By the end of this module, beginning principals will have:

                          ●    reflected on the various forms of bullying that occur in schools.

                          ●    considered their role as a school leader in preventing bullying.

                          ●    explored the importance of school culture in preventing

                          ●    examined a 7 step process for establishing a whole of school

                                   What is Bullying?

                          Bullying is aggressive behaviour that may be physical, verbal or
                          digital, and is an intentional and purposeful act meant to inflict
                          injury or discomfort on the other person.

                          What distinguishes bullying from other forms of aggressive
                          behaviour, is:

                          ●    power imbalance – this may be due to size and strength, status
                               within the peer group, support of the peer group, greater
                               knowledge or skill, etc.

                          ●    frequency and repeatedness - bullying is not a random act, it is
                               characterized by frequent and repeated incidents.

                          ●    intent to harm - the intent to either physically or emotionally
                               harm the ‘victim’.

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