Page 21 - Mini-Module 1
P. 21

4.   “Yelling and shouting”
                        "The first year I just did enough to calm things
                        down and stress ‘This is the way we behave in
                        this school’. I suspended a lot of kids. But I was
                        very, very careful about the way I acted, never
                        yelling, because I knew everyone was watching
                        to see what I’d do. And yelling and shouting
                        was the way it had been done there before.
                        But now the teachers felt they couldn’t yell and
                        shout any more. I was doing all that modeling
                        work  with  the  teacher  and  the  kids
                        together. The men who used to yell and scream
                        slowly realized that they couldn’t behave that
                        way any more" (Principal).  (Groundwater-
                        Smith and White 1995 p.114).

                    5.   “Three Learning Areas”
                        Schank’s (2000) idea of the school / college /
                        training centre of the 21st Century (which is
                        right now!) is that it would not have any
                        classrooms.  Rather it would be designed
                        around three learning areas.  The computer
                        learning  work  station,  the  talking/social
                        learning area, and the learning by doing active
                        zone.  This design for a ‘virtual’ school is
                        described in the illustration on the column on
                        the right (Schank 2000).
                        Under  this  system  of  education,  even
                        traditional content offerings will change, and
                        lifelong learning will focus on subjects such as:
                        ● Stress management
                        ● Getting along in groups
                        ● Communication
                        ● Cultural literacy
                        ● Health
                        ● Math as needed
                        ● Life decisions
                        ● Business skills
                        ● Daily physics (how things work)
                        ● Philosophy of life

                    Whether your dream of what a school should be is a revolutionary as Schank’s or
                    as small as wanting a school without yelling or shouting, the key to exciting
                    leadership is to have a vision and to work towards its achievement.  Make time
                    each and every day to ask yourself, what progress have I made towards my
                    dream today?  If you’ve never thought  about what your ‘dream’ is, now’s the
                    time.  During the blue skies Programme  make discussing and clarifying your
                    ‘dream’ the top priority with your peers and Sponsor.

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