Page 17 - Mini-Module 1
P. 17

Oncken and Wass (1999) offer the following advice for recapturing the
                          excitement of leadership, it is a basic law for managing monkeys.  It
                          goes like this:

                               “At no time while I am helping you will your problem become
                               my problem. The instant your problem becomes mine, you will
                               no longer have a problem. I cannot help someone who hasn't
                               got a problem. You may ask my help at any appointed time, and
                               we will make a joint determination of what the next move will
                               be and who will make it.”
                          Refusing to accept problems that your staff try to delegate upward,
                          and instead giving them opportunities to meet with you to "feed the
                          monkey" is the best choice for both the monkey and for its keeper. The
                          staff member who is closest to the problem usually has the knowledge
                          and skills to solve the problem, if empowered to do so. Consultations
                          with the leader will serve to broaden individual perspectives and offer
                          new ways of seeing a problem. As the person feeds and eventually
                          solves the problem, he or she learns important skills that make them
                          more valuable to the organization and to the leader.
                          In addition to the above law of monkey management, the authors list
                          six rules of managing monkeys that  are instructive to leaders. These

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