Page 69 - ALR2019 Handbook
P. 69

Prof. Juliet Perumal
                                                 University of Johannesburg

                         Juliet  Perumal  graduated  with  a  PhD  in  Education  from  the  University  of  the
                         Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.  She is currently Professor and Vice Dean: Research
                         and  Internationalization  in  the  Faculty  of  Education  at  the  University  of
                         Johannesburg.  She  has  published  in  the  fields  of  language  and  gender;  critical,
                         radical  and  feminist  pedagogies;  transformative  curriculum,  democracy,  values
                         and  human  rights;  educational  leadership;  and  qualitative  research
                         methodologies. She is a National Research Foundation Rated Researcher. She is
                         the 2015 Joyce Cain (Comparative International Education Society) winner of the
                         most outstanding research article on people of African descent for her article: A
                         pedagogy of refuge: Education in a time of dispossession.

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