Page 116 - ALR2019 Handbook
P. 116

Dr Stephen Brown
                                      The Brown Collective

              Dr Brown has 32 years of experience in education, public sector and not for profit
              leadership  roles  both  in  Australia  and  internationally.  He  is  a  highly  regarded
              expert  in  the  areas  of  leadership  development,  organisational  renewal  and
              redesign,  strategy,  change  management  and  capability  development.
              Dr Brown undertakes consultancies across a broad range of settings and contexts
              within Australia and internationally, including Scotland, Nauru, Philippines, Hong
              Kong, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and China.

              Dr Brown was Hume Regional Director in North East Victoria for four years, and
              acted in the position of Deputy Secretary, Office of Government School Education.
              Dr Brown was Executive Director of the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat in the
              Victorian  Department  of  Education  and  Early  Childhood  Development,  and  a
              member  of  the  departmental  leadership  team.  In  December  2010,  he  was
              appointed  to  the  position  of  inaugural  Chief  Executive  Officer  (CEO)  of  the
              Queensland  Education  Leadership  Institute  (QELi)  Ltd.  Dr  Brown  completed  his
              tenure  as  CEO  of  QELi  in  April  2016  and,  under  his  leadership  developed  an
              outstanding national and international reputation.

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