Page 117 - ALR2019 Handbook
P. 117

Dr Brown holds a Doctor of Education from the University of Southern Queensland,
                      and a Master of Arts from the University of London. He was awarded the Australian
                      Council  for  Educational  Leaders  Nganakarrawa  Award  in  2007  and  a  presidential
                      citation from the same organisation in 2009.

                      In 2009, Dr Brown was nominated for membership of the Global Education Leaders
                      Program—a coalition of leading system thinkers. He was identified as a participant in
                      the  Victorian  Leadership  Development  Centre’s  2009  program  for  future  Deputy
                      Secretaries  and  Secretaries  in  the  Victorian  Public  Sector.  In  2013,  Dr  Brown  was
                      awarded  by  ACEL  (Qld)  the  prestigious  Miller-Grassie  Award.  In  2016,  Stephen  was
                      appointed  to  the  Scottish  College  of  Educational  Leadership’s  International  Advisory
                      Board  and  the  Northern  Territory’s  Charles  Darwin  University  and  Department  of
                      Education’s Board of Management for the Centre for School Leadership as an external
                      expert advisor.

                      Dr Brown is also a Scholar-Practitioner Fellow at the Asia Centre for Leadership and
                      Change  (AOLC)  Hong  Kong  University  of  Education,  Board  Director  at  Stuartholme
                      School Brisbane, National and State Fellow of ACEL, a Fellow of the Australian Institute
                      of Managers and Leaders (FIML) and in 2014 graduated from the Australian Institute of
                      Company Directors program (GAICD).

                      Currently Stephen is undertaking a portfolio career with a combination of roles and
                      positions.  These  include  advisor  to  businesses  and  government  on  education;
                      directorship  of  a  global  professional  services  company;  consultancies  and  academic
                      and board appointments.

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