Page 120 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 120

Dr Stephen Brown
                                      The Brown Collective

              Dr Stephen Brown has more than 30 years of education experience in Australia
              and internationally. He was the Regional Director of Hume Region in Victoria for
              four years and acted in the position of Deputy Secretary, Office of Government
              School  Education  (OGSE).  Dr  Brown  was  Executive  Director  of  the  Literacy  and
              Numeracy  Secretariat  in  the  Victorian  Department  of  Education  and  Early
              Childhood  Development  and  a  member  of  the  departmental  leadership  team.
              Stephen  was  the  inaugural  Chief  Executive  Officer  (CEO)  of  the  Queensland
              Education  Leadership  Institute  (QELi)  Ltd  from  December  2010  to  April  2016.
              Currently Dr Brown undertakes a portfolio career nationally and internationally as
              an academic; consultant, international advisor to governments, schooling sectors
              and business; board roles and director of a global services company. Dr Brown has
              a  Doctorate  of  Education  from  the  University  of  Southern  Queensland  and  a
              Master  of  Arts  from  the  University  of  London.  He  was  awarded  the  Australian
              Council  for  Educational  Leaders  (ACEL)  Nganakarra  Award  in  2007  and  a
              presidential  citation  from  the  same  organisation  in  2009.  Dr  Brown  is  also  a
              National and State fellow of ACEL. In 2009, he was nominated for membership of
              the Global Education Leaders Programme – a coalition of leading system thinkers.
              Stephen was identified as a participant in the Victorian Leadership Development

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