Page 117 - ALR2018 Handbook
P. 117

Two recent publications include:

                      Gümüş, S., Bellibaş, M.S., Esen, M., & Gümüş, E. (2018). A systematic review of studies
                      on  leadership  models  in  educational  research  from  1980  to  2014.  Educational
                      Management, Administration, and Leadership, 46(1), 25-48.

                      Çelik,  Z.,  Gümüş,  S.,  &  Gür,  B.S.  (2017).  Moving  Beyond  a  Monotype  Education  in
                      Turkey:  Major  Reforms  in  the  Last  Decade  and  Challenges  Ahead.  In  Multicultural
                      Education in Glocal Perspectives (pp. 103-119). Singapore: Springer.

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