Page 11 - Study Guide
P. 11

Suggested Readings

              Suggested Readings

              Workshop 1

              Chung, P., & Elfassy, R. (2016). The 12 dimensions of a service leader: Manage your personal brand
              for the service age. Lexingford Publishing.

              Chung, P., & Ip, S. (2009). THE FIRST 10 YARDS: The 5 Dynamics of Entrepreneurship. Cengage

              Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., & Schilling, M. A. (2014). Strategic management: Theory & cases: An
              integrated approach. Cengage Learning.

              Ho, M. C. S., & Lu, J. (2019). School competition in Hong Kong: a battle of lifting school academic
              performance?. International Journal of Educational Management.

              Pringle, J., & Huisman, J. (2011). Understanding Universities in Ontario, Canada: An Industry Analysis
              Using Porter's Five Forces Framework. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 41(3), 36-58.

              Workshop 2

              Bridges, W. (2009). Managing transitions: Making the most of change. Da Capo Press.

              Bryant, D. A. (2019). Conditions that support middle leaders’ work in organisational and system
              leadership: Hong Kong case studies. School Leadership & Management, 39(5), 415-433.

              Chung, P. (2020). Designed to Win: What every business needs to know to go truly global. Leaders

              Ho, C.S., Lu, J. & Bryant, D, A. (2020). Understanding Teacher Entrepreneurial Behavior in Schools:
              Conceptualization and Empirical Investigation. Journal of Educational Change.

              Spillane, J. P., Camburn, E. M., Pustejovsky, J., Pareja, A. S., & Lewis, G. (2008). Taking a distributed
              perspective. Journal of Educational Administration, 46(2), 189.

              Workshop 3

              Garud, R., Gehman, J., & Kumaraswamy, A. (2011). Complexity arrangements for sustained
              innovation: Lessons from 3M Corporation. Organisation Studies, 32(6), 737-767.

              Kotter, J. P., & Cohen, D. S. (2012). The heart of change: Real-life stories of how people change their
              organisations. Harvard Business Press.

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