Page 18 - EdUHK Comm Book Flip book
P. 18

Congratulatory Messages
Dr Rita Fan, Chairman, Education Commission (1990-92)
教育統籌委員會主席 (1990-92)
More than two decades ago, the then Education Commission made the recommendation to establish The Hong Kong Institute of Education, thereby putting the four teacher training colleges and the Institute
of Language in Education under one roof, with appropriate funding for upgrading facilities, staf ng and the level of courses. At that early stage, it was envisaged that some degree courses would be offered by the new Institute. This was, after all, the sensible and pragmatic way forward to raise the standard of teacher education in Hong Kong.
I think all of us in the then Commission believed that one day this Institute would become a full- edged university.
With the efforts and contributions of the staff and students under the leadership of the President, this has  nally become a reality – The Education University of Hong Kong was formally named on 27 May 2016.
Congratulations to the staff and students of The Education University of Hong Kong! A word of appreciation should also go to the former staff and graduates of the University, as their determination and solid work laid the foundation for this new university.
As a citizen of Hong Kong, I look forward to the positive in uence that The Education University of Hong Kong will have on the standard of education in Hong Kong. The future of our city is in the hands of the next generation. The quality of our next generation is largely in the hands of our teachers. The majority of our teachers will come from this University.
Rita Fan
Education Commission (1990-92)

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