Page 20 - EdUHK Comm Book Flip book
P. 20

Congratulatory Messages
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
I would like to extend to The Education University of Hong Kong my sincerest congratulations on this auspicious occasion, which marks an important milestone in Hong Kong’s history of teacher education.
For more than two decades, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, as the University’s forerunner, carried out its mission with such success that it has  nally, and most deservedly, won university status. It should be noted that The Hong Kong Institute of Education was itself founded through a merger of several Colleges of Education, which occupied
a special place in the history of Hong Kong and are even today remembered for their many remarkable contributions to the social and cultural wellbeing of Hong Kong. The EdUHK therefore has a history to be proud of, and I am sure it will continue to build on its distinguished traditions and provide our would-be teachers with even better training. The efforts of its staff and students have won the EdUHK its much- envied ranking success: it has been rated second in Asia and 12th in the world by subject according to a Quacquarelli Symonds ranking exercise in 2016. This is a tribute to the entire University community, and I believe the EdUHK will go on to scale new heights under the leadership of Professor Cheung.
May I wish the University every success in its future endeavours as it embarks on a new journey.
Joseph J Y Sung
Vice-Chancellor and President
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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