Page 21 - R&KT Flipping Book - Issue 5, Dec 2016
P. 21

Our student / graduate

                                     Li Yuhan, PhD Student                                                           Issue FIve

                                     Demonstrates Research Excellence

                                            “My research work not only can provide novel
                                            modifications for the design of highly efficient
                                            g-C N -based photocatalysts, but also offer new
                                            insights into the mechanistic understanding of
                                            g-C N -based photocatalysis,”
                                                              She is extremely grateful for the support that EdUHK provides
       Li Yuhan is a prime example of the research            her. “EdUHK provides abundant and useful learning resources. I
       excellence displayed by PhD students at The            can make use of the academic freedom and extensive laboratory
       Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK).             facilities at the University to do my experiments. I can work on my
       Pursuing a PhD Degree in Doctor of Philosophy          experiments from morning to night without any disturbance or
       at the University. Li is active in researching         time restrictions,” Li says.
       photocatalysis in her studies on environmental
       pollution treatment. Since joining EdUHK in            Li will graduate in 2018 and she plans to work as an academic to
       September 2015, she has published three                contribute to society with the fruits of her environmental research.
       academic  science  papers  in  international
       journals and two conference papers on the topic.

       Her passion for the environment has been instrumental in driving
       her excellence in research. “The extensive utilization of fossil fuels
       remarkably contributes to environmental contamination. As a
       consequence, air quality deteriorates and atmospheric pollution
       problems, such as greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, and
       acid rain, ensue,” says Li.

       A Chongqing native, Li is determined to help protect the
       environment against environmental pollution through her
       research on photocatalysis. Regarded as one of the most promising
       technologies available in alleviating environmental deterioration,
       photocatalysis creates a strong oxidation agent to breakdown   Photo taken at the International Symposium on Environmental Catalysis, in Wuhan,
                                                              China, in July 2016
       organic matter to carbon dioxide and water in the presence of the
       photocatalysts of light and water.
       However, in order to further develop the technology, there is
       an urgent need to carry out research for a robust visible-light-
       responsive photocatalyst.  This is the area Li feels that she can help
       apply her research skills. She has been focusing on developing new
       efficient photocatalysts and a novel photocatalytic technologies.
       One of her research targets is g-C 3 N 4 , an intriguing visible light-
       stimulated photocatalyst that can meet requirements for various
       environmental protection measures, including hydrogen evolution,
       organic pollutant degradation and air purification.

       “My research work not only can provide novel modifications for
       the design of highly efficient g-C 3 N 4 -based photocatalysts, but also
       offer new insights into the mechanistic understanding of g-C 3 N 4 -
       based photocatalysis,” Li says.
                                                              Li was awarded 2nd prize in the research paper contest of the 10th National Graduate
                                                              Students’ Environmental Forum in Shanghai, 2015.

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