Page 19 - R&KT Flipping Book - Issue 5, Dec 2016
P. 19

Knowledge transfer forum

       Are Hong Kong People Happy with Their                                                                         Issue FIve

       Electricity Suppliers?

          Hong Kong’s two local power companies - China Light and Power (CLP)
          and Hong Kong Electric (HEC) are regulated monopolies operating under
          the Scheme of Control Agreement, a 10-year contract signed between each
          power company and the Government.

       Professor Woo Chi-keung, Professor of Department of Asian and Policy Studies

       Government consultation shows that Hong Kong people enjoy   “The conclusion is that while Hong Kong consumers are reasonably
       superbly reliable electricity supply at prices comparable to those of   happy with their electricity service’s reliability and price
       other major cities. Are local consumers satisfied with the electricity   reasonableness, they wish to more actively engage in shaping Hong
       providers?  If not, what more do they want?             Kong’s electricity future.”

       These are the kind of questions that motivate the research of   Professor Woo has been working hard to transfer knowledge gained
       Professor Woo Chi-keung of Department of Asian and Policy Studies   from his findings to the community.  He has written articles for
       at EdUHK. With over 30 years of industry experience and 130   journals that are widely read by energy analysts and regulatory
       publications, he is a Senior Fellow of the United States Association   staff.  He also gives lectures, attended by academics, industry
       for Energy Economics and has shaped electricity policies in North   professionals, officials, consumer advocates and environmentalists,
       America, Israel and Hong Kong.                          to debate on Hong Kong’s electricity future.
       Driving Changes Through Study
       In his study, “What do Hong Kong consumers want from their
       electricity providers?”, Professor Woo surveyed 1,100 Hong Kong
       residents in 2014, finding 73% of Hong Kong consumers like to
       know more about their electricity rates and 78% wish to have a
       say in determining an electricity rate increase. Only 22% opine the
       Government being effective in regulating the power companies’
       costs and rates, while 75% are willing to pay monthly an extra
       HK$10 in their electricity bills to fund a public utilities commission

                                                               Professor Woo and his North American colleagues visiting Jerusalem after delivering
                                                               their lectures in July 2014 to the stakeholders of the Israeli electricity industry

       Professor Woo’s visit of CLP’s Smart Grid Centre in April 2016

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