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The 25 2- and 4-day workshops are organized with cooperation with different sports governing organizations and experts to deliver up-to-date sport information for PE teachers. Each workshop normally caters for 30 PE teachers.
Particular attention is placed on how creativity and critical thinking can be nurtured through various physical activities.
Through observation, the post workshop evaluation 2007, need analysis for PE teachers and the recent development of the curriculum reform, the following types of workshops are identified and organized to cater for the training needs of PE teachers.
They are scheduled to be organized at the mid of July 2008. The details of the workshops are as follows: 1. Workshops on advanced pedagogies in PE Workshops for acquainting
primary and secondary school PE teachers with knowledge and skills in planning, organizing and conducting PE curricular with a variety of approaches and models such as concepts of fundamental movements, spectrum of styles, co-operative learning, problem based learning, assessment for learning, sports education, teaching games for understanding and concept attainment etc. are planned. Two workshops namely "Developing Creativity and Critical Thinking through Advance PE Pedagogies" and "Advance Methods in Fundamental Movements" will be organized. 2. Workshops for teaching individualized life-time pursuit activities One of the aims of education is to prepare our students for life. The concept of ¡§lifetime physical activities/sports¡¨ has been developed, accepted and included in PE curriculum in the past decade. They are particular relevant for senior secondary school students for equipping them with skills, knowledge and attitude for making use of physical activities for leisure, recreation, health, fitness, social and psychological benefits.Accordingly, workshops of Archery, Golf, Aerobics, Hip Hop and Modern Dance are organized for helping PE teachers to introduce such individualized life-time activities in schools for meeting the diverse needs, abilities and interest of the students. Particular attention is placed on how creativity and critical thinking can be developed through these activities. 3. Workshops for teaching Chinese cultural physical activities One of the aims of PE is to cultivate students¡¦ interest in physical activities with Chinese cultural heritage. It is particular important after the change of sovereignty in 1997. Moreover, in the current educational reform, it is strongly recommended that ¡§national identity¡¨ should be regarded as one of the five values and attitudes and promoted in schools. Accordingly, Chinese Martial Art, Wushu and Shuttlecock are organized. It is intended to equip PE teachers with skills and knowledge for introducing these activities to students. Moreover, particular attention is placed on nurturing creativity and critical thinking skills through these activities. 4. Workshops for managing, teaching and coaching sports teams ¡§Managing and coaching¡¨ of sports teams is one of duties for most PE teachers. As a matter of fact, some PE teachers may find difficulties in fulfilling the tasks because of lacking of respective experience, skills and knowledge. Accordingly, Workshops on leading, teaching and coaching football and netball in school context are organized. In these workshops, tutors will help PE teachers to apply critical thinking skills in coaching and managing students through football and netball competitions. 5. Workshops for newly developed physical activities There are a number of newly developed physical activities which are getting popular in Hong Kong schools. Accordingly, PE teachers may need training in these events like line dance, social circus performance activities and rowing etc. It is intended to introduce PE teachers with competence in teaching these activities in schools. Particular focus is placed on how creativity and critical thinking can be nurtured through these activities. Workshop Schedule : For Primary and Secondary School Teachers ¢åorkshop for Secondary School Teachers:
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