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Office of Planning and Academic Implementation

Academic Planning

Strategic Planning

Academic Manpower Planning

Academic Planning                                                

The Office is responsible for the formulation and updating of the Institute's Academic Development Proposals, including student numbers and programme offerings. To support this work, it has conducted small-scale research on the demand and supply of teachers in Hong Kong, the local and global trends in teacher education provision and market needs of the Institute's programmes. Some of the findings have been published in various issues of the Teacher Education Planning Digest. In addition, a number of seminars on teacher education have been organised for staff.

In addition, it provides support to the Academic Planning and Development Committee (APDC) and its various working parties (e.g. Task Force on Academic Development Proposals) in academic planning, advising on the resource implications of new programme developments, and re-distribution of student numbers across Schools/programmes.

The Office has also been assisting the Offices of the President in the compilation of high-level institutional responses to various external parties including the University Grants Committee (Staff Forum on "Higher Education Review"), the Education and Manpower Bureau, the Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualification and other teacher education related organisations, and contributing to public discourses on teacher education and higher education policies


Strategic Planning 

The PAI Office supports the formulation of the Institute's strategic plan and its implementation, including providing advice to the senior management on the development of policies, mechanisms, processes and guidelines. It also supports the development of mechanisms to link resource allocation with units' Operational Plans.

The Strategic Plan for 1999-2004, Strategy 2000, which provides a detailed blueprint for every aspect of the Instituteˇ¦s development, was endorsed by the Council and the UGC in November 1999.  According to the planning process as depicted in the strategic planning framework, the Development Plans for 1999-2002  at all levels were formulated in December 1999. Various units developed their rolling Development Plans for 2001-2004 in September 2001 followed by the formulation of the annual Operational Plans in subsequent years.

In addition, the Office supports the development, acquisition and monitoring of the achievement of Institute-level Key Performance Indicators (KPI). It is also responsible for coordinating statistical returns to the UGC through the Common Data Collection Format (CDCF) exercise.

The Office is currently providing secretarial support for the Council's Focus Group on Long-term Role and Positioning (FGLRP) which is to recommend to the Task Force on the Future Development of the HKIEd in relation to the vision and mission of the institute as well as its pattern of operation. It also supports the senior management in developing institutional responses on role differentiation and performance-based funding to the UGC.


Academic Manpower Planning

PAI Office is responsible for the academic manpower planning of the Institute. It prepares the Annual Manpower Plan and triennial manpower projections to inform academic staff appointment and re-appointment, substantiation and re-deployment.

The Office also supports the senior managements, relevant committees (such as Academic Staff Establishment Committee) and administrative offices in their decisions related to resource allocation to academic units, through the provision of related institute-wide management information, such as analysis of teaching and practicum load of Schools/Departments/Centres

To facilitate the above tasks, a centralised database for collecting programme and practicum information has been created under the Academic Manpower Information System (AMIS) which was jointly developed by the ITS and PAI. The Office has to manage the database, including coordinating and verifying returns from Schools on programme and practicum information, as well as to maintain and enhance the system.

Moreover, an Executive Information System (EIS) which aims to support efficient decision making of the management by providing one-stop access to management information, has also been worked out by the ITS and the Office. The pilot phase of the EIS was launched on 4 May 2001, which includes manpower information extracted from the AMIS, the Instituteˇ¦s Student Numbers and Programme Profile, and some Key Performance Indicators.  Training workshops had been organised to demonstrate the operation of the EIS for colleagues from all user departments.


Last updated: 23 Oct 2003

    Address: Room D3-P-04, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong. 
    Phone: 2948 8024                                     Fax: 2948 8022