Planning Process
1 Stages
2 & 3 Stage
1: Formulation of the Institute's
Vision, Guiding Values and Strategic Plan |
November 1997 to November 1998, the Vision
and the Guiding
Values of the Institute were identified. The motto "Optimising
each child's potential through the shared joy of learning and teaching"
was adopted in which the Instituteˇ¦s Vision is encapsulated.
December 1997, the Working Group on the Development of Strategic Plan (renamed the Advisory Committee on Strategic Planning and
Implementation in May 2000) was formed.
Staff at every level, students and external stakeholders have been
heavily involved in the development process of the Strategic Plan for
1999-2004, Strategy 2000, with their views collected through an
extensive SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis, a
three-round Delphi Survey, interviews and seminars.
on the input from an external consultancy firm and senior management, the
draft Strategic Plan for 1999-2004 was further developed during July to
September 1998, which was endorsed by the Management
Board in October 1998.
draft Strategic Plan was further fine-tuned based on the advice from the
UGC's Management Review Sub-Committee, the Teacher Education
Sub-Committee and feedback from staff at various levels.
It was finally endorsed by the Council and the UGC in November

Plan for 1999-2004
2 & 3: Formulation of Institutional Development Plans, Unit
Development and Operational Plans |
January and February 1999, successive briefing sessions and seminars on
strategic planning concepts and skills were held for senior staff, along
with a full-day workshop on the development of the Academic Plan in March
1999 and four additional workshops on Strategic Planning skills in April
and early May 1999.
mid May 1999, the Institute organised a two-day Management Retreat for
over 50 senior management staff in Shenzhen, PRC, in which the four
Institutional Development Plans, namely the Academic Plan (AP), the
Academic Services (AS) Plan, the Research and Development (R&D) Plan
and the Resources and Administrative Services (RAS) Plan, and the School
Development Plans were discussed.
revised Institutional Development Plans were distributed to all Units to facilitate the formulation of their Unit Development Plans.
With reference to these four Institutional Plans, the Development
Plans for 1999-2002 at all levels were in place by the end of 1999.
December 1999, workshops on exploring the linkage between Strategic
Planning and Performance Planning and Review (PPR) were conducted.
In addition, a staff forum with the theme ˇ§The Way Forwardˇ¨ was held in March 2000 to further
discuss the four Institutional Plans and the School Development Plans, and
to collect feedback from staff.
October 2000, the first Operational Plans for 2000-01, which aim to
operationalise the strategies laid down in the Unit Development Plans down
to individual level, were formulated by all Units.
The objective is to link them with the Performance Planning and Review
exercise and the budgetary allocation processes of the Institute.

4: Performance Monitoring and Reviewing
Management Retreats were held respectively in November 2000 and January
2001. The former was aimed to review the progress in implementing
Strategic Plan and to identify specific changes and actions required to
achieve institutional upgrading, while the latter was aimed to share good
practices and identify critical actions for quality enhancement and
assurance in teaching, learning and assessment.
the profound contextual changes and the critical issues identified in the Management Retreats, the
Institutional Priorities for 2000-04 have been revised while critical
actions to improve teaching and learning in departments have been
identified. Guided by the four Rolling Institutional Plans for 2001-04 (viz
the AP, AS, R&D and RAS Plans) which were developed in July 2001, each
Unit formulated its Rolling Development Plan for 2001-04 and the
Operational Plan for 2001-02 in September 2001. With reference to
the Strategic Thrusts for
2003-04 which address the "high-priority" and
"high-impact" issues pertinent to the Institute's development,
all units will be required to develop their Operational Plans for 2003-04
in mid 2003.
October 2001, the Management Board endorsed a set of institute-level Key
Performance lndicators(KPIs), which aim to meet both external monitoring
of the achievements of the Strategic Objectives in Strategy 2000. Through
successive meetings with various coordinating offices, the mechanisms and
processes for data acquisition have been developed. The data of the first
batch of certain KPIs were in place and uploaded to the Executive Information System (EIS) in May 2002.
