




Project Start Year : 2023

Principal Investigator(s): CHOY, Yat Ling, Elaine 蔡逸寧



Project Start Year : 2022

Principal Investigator(s): CHOY, Yat Ling, Elaine 蔡逸寧



Project Start Year : 2022

Principal Investigator(s): CHOY, Yat Ling, Elaine 蔡逸寧


賽馬會「看動畫.讀名篇.識古文」學習計劃 Jockey Club Animated Classical Chinese for Curious Minds Project

In line with the Education Bureau’s advocacy of promoting Chinese classical texts in primary schools, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) presents the Jockey Club Animated Classical Chinese for Curious Minds Project, supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust with a donation of over HK$25 million. The three-year project, which began in the 2022/23 academic year, aims to enrich primary students’ knowledge of Chinese classical texts and culture in a lively and interesting way.

Project Start Year : 2022

Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Yan Leung Stephen 張仁良 (CHOY, Yat Ling, Elaine 蔡逸寧 as Co-Investigator)


Provision of Services for Organising a Territory-wide Junior Secondary Quiz Competition on Chinese History and Culture

Project Start Year : 2022

Principal Investigator(s): CHOY, Yat Ling, Elaine 蔡逸寧


Promoting a Dynamic Pedagogical Model of Asynchronous and Synchronous Virtual Teaching and Learning to Enrich Students’ Virtual Learning Experiences
Having meticulously considered the situation of the COVID-19 in Hong Kong, the EdUHK has been conducting Virtual Teaching and Learning (VTL) since 2020 spring. Most lecturers deliver lectures synchronously using Zoom and assist students’ asynchronous learning through sharing materials on Moodle and other online platforms and conducting online learning activities. A range of measures have been taken to help teachers and students cope with the challenges and problems, for example, developing Zoom tutorial videos and conducting online workshops, seminars, and sharing sessions to introduce and explain useful approaches to effective VTL. However, many teachers may feel overwhelmed by the large amount of resources and do not know exactly how to apply these strategies or methods in their lessons. Thus, it is necessary to provide them with a pedagogical model, which is easy to follow, conducive to effective VTL, and can be adapted to meet diverse teachers’ and students’ needs. In response to this call, we propose a dynamic pedagogical model that synthesizes and balances asynchronous and synchronous VTL (AS-VTL). To establish and promote this pedagogical model in Faculty of Humanities (FHM), we aim to develop a series of innovative virtual learning resources and implement the AS-VTL pedagogical model in a range of FHM courses across all the five departments/units in FHM. We will also establish a community of practice (CoP) for the wider adaptation of the AS-VTL pedagogical model in FHM, and indeed, in the EdUHK and beyond.

Project Start Year : 2021

Principal Investigator(s): WANG, Lixun 王立勛 (CHOY, Yat Ling, Elaine 蔡逸寧 as Co-Investigator)


Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers – Extended

Project Start Year : 2020

Principal Investigator(s): LAM, Ho Cheong 林浩昌 (CHOY, Yat Ling, Elaine 蔡逸寧 as Co-Investigator)


Enhancing online learning and teaching in FHM courses
This project aims to promote online learning and teaching in FHM courses which need further support. Currently, a number of FHM courses have benefited from the BLUE II project, and 22 high quality e-learning packages have been developed to support online learning and teaching in over 25 different FHM courses. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, more and more courses will have to provide a significant amount of online learning and teaching to students in the coming academic year, it is desirable that more high quality e-learning packages can be developed for more FHM courses. In this project, a total of 28 FHM courses have been identified, and e-learning packages will be developed for these courses. It is hoped that through this project, online learning and teaching can be further promoted in FHM courses.

Project Start Year : 2020

Principal Investigator(s): LEUNG, Pui Wan Pamela 梁佩雲 (CHOY, Yat Ling, Elaine 蔡逸寧 as Co-Investigator)


賽馬會與「文」同樂學習計劃: 探討「初小學童結合『實體教材』與『多媒體教材』學習中國語文,並由此帶動認識中華文化和培養品德情意」學習模式的發展歷程,其可行性和成效
Project Start Year : 2017

Principal Investigator(s): CHEUNG, Yan Leung Stephen 張仁良 (CHOY, Yat Ling, Elaine 蔡逸寧 as Co-Investigator)