The Education University of Hong Kong

 Master of Education

Important Notes

1. Probity Requirements: Other than the application fee, applicants are not required to pay any additional fees during the application process. Please be reminded not to offer any advantage to any EdUHK staff, officer, employee, and/or any person involved in the admission process at EdUHK in connection with any application. Otherwise, you may commit serious criminal offences under Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201 of the laws of Hong Kong), which is punishable by imprisonment.

2. EdUHK, has not collaborated with any agency in Mainland China or Hong Kong on admission, and does not encourage students to entrust their applications to any third-party agents and we always contact applicants directly on updates regarding the applications. You must complete and submit your own application via the EdUHK online admissions system and provide your own personal and contact details. Please refer to the official EdUHK channels, such as programme websites and the admissions system, for the required information to complete your application.

3. Applicants are also advised to read through the following important information:
- Basic knowledge about the anti-corruption laws in Hong Kong: Understanding Integrity in Seconds (秒懂廉政)
Useful Information on Anti-Scam

For Prospective Students

 Programme Code: A1M043  / C2M001
 Study Mode: One-year Full-time / Two-year Part-time
 Programme Director: Dr TSANG, Yiu Fai Chris
Programme Coordinator: Dr YU, Jing

Application Start Date (2025/26 Intake): 12 November 2024 (Tuesday)

Extended Application Deadline: 31 March 2025 (Monday)

Please submit your application through EdUHK Online Application Systems


Area of Focus and Coordinating Team (September 2025 Intake)

Students can choose any one of the following Areas of Focus offered in the programme:

Cancellation of Area of Focus

Areas of Focus and courses on offer are subject to change and sufficient enrolment.

The University reserves the right to cancel any Areas of Focus in which case all fees paid will be refunded.


MEd Programme Applications and Admissions Enquiries


Admission Website:

Graduate School Website:

In person:


Graduate School
Room B4-G/F-02
The Education University of Hong Kong
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po
New Territories
Hong Kong

(Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this website. Changes to any aspects of the programmes may be made from time to time as due to change of circumstances and the University reserves the right to revise any information contained in this website as it deems fit without prior notice. The University accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from any use or misuse of or reliance on any information contained in this website.)