Application & Admission

Probity Requirements: Other than the application fee, applicants are not required to pay any additional fees during the application process. Please be reminded not to offer any advantage to any EdUHK staff, officer, employee, and/or any person involved in the admission process at EdUHK in connection with any application. Otherwise, you may commit serious criminal offences under Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201 of the laws of Hong Kong), which is punishable by imprisonment.

EdUHK, has not collaborated with any agency in Mainland China or Hong Kong on admission, and does not encourage students to entrust their applications to any third-party agents and we always contact applicants directly on updates regarding the applications. You must complete and submit your own application via the EdUHK online admissions system and provide your own personal and contact details. Please refer to the official EdUHK channels, such as programme websites and the admissions system, for the required information to complete your application.

General Entrance Requirements

Applicants should normally hold a recognized Bachelor’s/Master’s degree or equivalent.

Some postgraduate programmes may require applicants to submit other documents such as public examination results/Study Statement/Research Proposal/Referee’s Report, etc. Please refer to individual programme information/website for details.

English Language Requirements

Applicants whose entrance qualification is obtained from an institution in a non-English speaking system should normally fulfil one of the following minimum English proficiency requirements:

  1. Research Postgraduate and Professional Doctorate Programmes
  2. Overall score of IELTS 6.5 with no subtest lower than 6.0 (academic version); or
  3. TOEFL score of 80 (internet-based test); or
  4. Other equivalent qualifications.*

* The College English Test (CET) is not accepted as an equivalent qualification.

  1. Taught Master’s Programmes
  2. Overall score of IELTS 6.0 (academic version)^ ; or
  3. TOEFL score of 80 (internet-based test)^ ; or
  4. Band 6 in the College English Test (CET)^ with a total score of 430 ; or
  5. Grade C or above in GCSE/GCE OL English; or
  6. Other equivalent qualifications.

^ The test should be taken in test centres and the result should be valid within two years. For example, if you are applying for 2025/26 academic year, your IELTS / TOEFL / CET6 test must be obtained on or after 1 January 2023.

Individual programmes/subjects may have different English language requirements. Please refer to individual programme information or our website for details.

Application Deadline and Late Applications

The majority of our postgraduate programmes accept September intake only. Nevertheless, some programmes may accept both January and September intakes. We operate a rolling admission process for a majority of programmes, which means the sooner you apply, the sooner your application will be assessed. We urge you to submit your application as early as possible. We will still accept applications after the deadlines at the University’s discretion.

However, priority will be given to applications received by the deadlines. The application deadline and admission schedule can be found on our website You are advised to check the website regularly to obtain up-to-date admission information.

Non-local Applicants

We welcome applications from local and non-local applicants. Starting from 2019/20 intake cohort, a new definition of Non local Students (NLS) has been adopted in accordance with the HKSAR Government policy. If you hold one of the following documents issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR, you are regarded as a non-local student for the purpose of admission to our programmes:

  • student visa/entry permit; or
  • visa/entry permit under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG); or
  • dependant visa/entry permit (You were 18 years old or above when you were first issued with such visa/entry permit by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR.)

Definition of local and non-local applicants is listed on our website: To make direct enquiries on the definition of non-local students, please contact the Education Bureau (EDB):
Fax: (852) 2804 6499

When you submit an application, you are required to indicate clearly which document you are holding for study. You may be asked to provide a copy of your passport/visa to support your application during the admission process. If the documents produced do not correspond to your local/non-local status entered in the application form, any offers made to you may be revoked and all fees paid will not be refunded. It is always your responsibility to ensure that you have a valid visa which covers your study period. You should inform the University about the change of your condition of stay by providing relevant documentary proof to the Registry / Graduate School as soon as possible.

Non-local applicants are advised to apply as early as possible as it often takes considerable time (normally 6 to 8 weeks) for the Immigration Department of the HKSAR to process your visa applications upon receipt of all the required documents. For details, please consult the Immigration Department of the HKSAR directly

Submission of Application

Please submit your application online and upload the relevant academic documents via The University does not accept paper applications. Please read through the important notes contained in the “Online Application Guided Tour” and visit the relevant website(s) before you start an online application process. Please make sure that your choice of programme/subject/study mode is correct before you submit an application. No changes will be allowed once an online application has been submitted.

Upon successful submission of application, you will receive an application acknowledgement by email which contains your Application Number. Please quote your Application Number in all communications with the University.

Application Fee

Application fee for local applicants and non-local applicants is HK$150 and HK$300 (per programme choice) respectively which is non-refundable and non-transferable unless the programme you have applied is cancelled by the University. You are encouraged to pay the application fee online by using VISA/Master credit card, UnionPay, Alipay or WeChat Pay. Alternatively, you may choose to pay the fee by “Other Payment Methods” as indicated on the payment page and upload the copy of your payment proof (e.g. bank-in slip, ATM advice, Telegraphic Transfer) onto the system.

Supporting Documents

You should upload the following academic documents, language test results and other supporting documents direct on

  • Graduation certificate(s) and official final transcript(s) of your post-secondary qualifications;
  • Applicants who obtained degrees from universities in Mainland China are required to provide both Degree Certificate(學位證書and Graduation Certificate(畢業證書.Also, an Online Verification Report of Higher Education Degree Certificate(學位在線驗證報告and an Online Verification Report of Higher Education Qualification Certificate(教育部學歷證書電子註冊備案表issued by the CHSI學信網with validity period of six months are needed;
  • The University may require you to provide a “Report for Qualifications Assessment” issued by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) in order to support your application;
  • If you are a current final year student of a degree or postgraduate programme, the latest official transcript and testimonial certifying your current student status is needed. You will be required to submit an official final transcript/testimonial showing your graduation status in July/August;
  • Official score report(s) of language test results (e.g. IELTS /TOEFL /GCSE /GCE /CET6 /PSC /HSK /LPAT, etc);
  • Certificates of HKALE, HKCEE and HKDSE; and
  • Other documents (e.g. Study Statement, Research Proposal, Referee’s Report, etc), if applicable.

If you are our graduate in 1995 or after, you do not need to submit any copies of academic transcript(s) and certificate(s) issued by HKIEd/EdUHK. For qualifications obtained in other universities or institutions after graduating from EdUHK, submission of transcript(s) and certificate(s) is still required.

Your application will remain incomplete until we receive all the necessary supporting materials. Due to system limitations, the maximum capacity of your upload files is 25 MB in total whereas the maximum size for each file is 4 MB.

Please do not send any original graduation certificates to the University in any circumstances as the University will not be responsible for any documents mislaid. The University reserves the right to require you to apply for official transcript (either electronic transcript or hardcopy) and/or language test reports to be sent directly to EdUHK from the issuing universities/authorities before confirming admission offer and upon programme registration. Failure to do so shall lead to disqualification of the application and any offer made will be rescinded.

Applicants who have attended international institutions whose transcripts are in a language other than Chinese or English must submit those transcripts with officially certified English translations.

Submitted documents will not be returned. All supporting documents of unsuccessful applications will be destroyed at the end of the admission exercise.

Interviews and Admission Results

Shortlisted applicants invited for admission interview/test will be notified by email. Please check your registered email account regularly after submission of application in order to receive any updates or interview invitation from the University. Some applicants may receive a direct offer. Those who have not been invited for interview nor given a direct offer may still be considered if the intake quota is not filled.

You will be informed of your application updates, such as application acknowledgement, interview and registration arrangements, etc., via your registered email. No letters will be posted to you except in very exceptional circumstances. It is therefore important that the email address you provided is correct and you are strongly advised to check your email frequently. Please login your online application account to update your email address and contact phone number at any time.

Successful applicants will receive individual notifications by email. Applicants who have not been offered admission before August may assume their applications unsuccessful. No individual notifications will be sent to unsuccessful or waitlisted applicants.

Acceptance of Admission Offer

Applicants who wish to accept the admission offer will be required to:

  1. indicate your acceptance of offer directly through the Online Application System;
  2. quote the assigned EPN number for identification when you make a payment of acceptance fee;
  3. upload a payment proof of the acceptance fee;
  4. upload your HKID/mainland ID & EEP/passport; and
  5. apply for official transcripts, language test reports, and other supporting documents to be sent directly to the University from the issuing universities/authorities. Please refer to the offer letter and attachments for details.

Non-local students who apply for student visa/entry permit are required to return a signed visa application form and supporting documents, and a completed application form for on-campus accommodation (if applicable).

If you have received more than one admission offer from the University, you can choose to enrol in one programme only. Details of "How to Accept an Admission Offer" can be found on our website .

Programme Registration

Programme registration and orientation will normally be held in July/August. If you have submitted all the required documents to the satisfaction of the University, we will perform online registration for you and send you an email notification in due course. The registration and orientation schedule will be announced on our website in due course. Please check your registered email account near the time.

Failing to provide the required documents may result in your unsuccessful enrolment in the programme. If documents provided are found to be falsified, unclear, misleading or inconsistent with the qualifications stated in your application, or do not fulfill the requirements for admission, your admission offer may be revoked and all paid fees will not be refunded. The University reserves the right to request you to present the original documents in person if deemed necessary.

If you need a student visa to study in Hong Kong, you will be required to pay a visa processing fee of HK$530 after programme commencement. Non-local students who fail to obtain a student visa and the necessary travelling documents will result in not being permitted to register in the programme.

Credit Transfer

Credit transfer may be granted to students in recognition of their prior learning experiences. All applications must follow the time-limit, department and programme specific requirements. Please read the Policy and the Guidelines on Credit Transfer listed on Registry's website and consult your Programme Leader/Subject Coordinator before submitting an application.

Cancellation of Programme

The University reserves the right to cancel any programme(s) in which case all fees paid will be refunded.

Double Registration

Students who are enrolled in any full-time award-bearing programmes (lasting for one year or longer) of the University are not permitted to simultaneously register for another qualification at the University or a post-secondary qualification at any institutions except with prior approval by the Board of Graduate Studies. Violation of this regulation will lead to discontinuation of studies from the University. In case of doubt, students should seek advice from the Board of Graduate Studies (via the Graduate School).

Applicants with Special Needs

All applicants will be considered on the same basis. Please provide information about the nature and degree of disability/special educational needs when submitting the application. The collection of information about the nature and degree of any disabilities/special educational needs will be used by the University to assess the provision of facilities to assist students during the application stage and after enrolment. The Student Affairs Office (SAO) provides various supporting services for students with special educational needs. Please visit SAO website for details.

Right of Access to and Correction of Information

In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right of access to and correction of the information contained in your application, and the right to request a copy of such data. If you wish to do so, you may submit your request in writing to the Admissions, Registrations and Academic Planning Section of the Registry.

Applications and Admissions Enquiries

Graduate School (for programmes offered by Graduate School and Academies)

Phone : (852) 2948 6611
E-mail :
Website :
Address : Graduate School
Room B4-G/F-02
The Education University of Hong Kong
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, Hong Kong

Registry (for programmes offered by Faculties)

Phone : (852) 2948 6886
Fax : (852) 2948 6162
E-mail :
Website :
Address : The Registry (Admissions, Registrations and Academic Planning Section)
Room A-2/F-07, Cho Kwai Chee Foundation Building
The Education University of Hong Kong
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, Hong Kong

Global Affairs Office

Phone : (852) 2948 7654
Fax : (852) 2948 8198
E-mail :
Website :
Address : Room A-G/F-09
Cho Kwai Chee Foundation Building
The Education University of Hong Kong
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, Hong Kong

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